Chapter 3 | Together

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"You look tired," Layla says.

"That's because I am..," I reply, falling back on my locker.

"What happened?"

"Babysitting Mira again," I say.

She nods.

The bell rings.

"Where are you?" I ask

"English 3," she replies.

"English 8. I'll walk with you."

-*-*(In class)*-*-

"Ahh, uhm, new girl, remind me of your name, again!" The teacher says.

I jolt, immediately thinking she was about to shout at me for doodling on my paper again.

"Uh, Y/n!" I say.

"Great, Y/n, Rodrick, you two work together for the project. You need to do a poster on the history of poetry!" she says, "Maybe even write your own!" she looks at my doodles, "You can add a bit of color and some illustrations if you must, anything to get your mark up," she smiles.

I pause for a second.

Wait, that's perfect, and Rodrick? My friends would never let me hang around him but if it's a project thing, they have no chance of stopping me! It's perfect!"

"That's fine," Rodrick states, groggily.

I nod in agreement.

-*-*(After school)*-*-

I talk to Sabrina as we are leaving school. She bumps into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" the boy says.

I recognize his voice.

"Oh, hey Y/n!" he says.

It's Rodrick!

He grins before looking down at me, "Are you getting the bus?" he asks.

I shake my head, "Nope, uh, my roommate is picking me up."


Sabrina doesn't say anything or try to drag me away. I've learned she's the more respectful and nicer friend.

I nod.

"When you wanna start the project?" he asks.

"Tomorrow. At your house, that alright?"

He seems wary at first but he nods.

"Great, okay, I need your address," I say, I pull out a post-it note and a pen from my bag before handing him it.

He scribbles the address down and hands it back to me. He walks away without saying another word.

I stare at the post-it. At the bottom, it reads, "Come at 5 P.M." An odd time. I could've come straight after school but whatever. 

"You like him," Sabrina says.

"What? Who? Rodrick?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I don't judge," she shrugs, "Y'know the dirty blonde girl, they used as an example? Her name is Ava, she's like...uh, sorta my girlfriend."

I smile, "I wasn't expecting that."

"Yeah, we're pretty on the low, y'know. Homophobia, the friend group's standards, just everything."

"Yeah, no of course!"


𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now