Chapter 5 The New 'Guest'

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Enigma POV

I gasped as I woke up from whatever state that injection had put me in, but I knew that I wasn't truly awake. My entire surroundings were non-existent, just an empty void with no one around me.

I stood up and started to explore, trying to find out where I was, but for some reason this felt all too familiar. As I made my way through the dark void, I found two other beings in there: Megatron and Optimus.

I quickly ran to them and shook them, trying to wake them up and eventually, I succeeded. They both groaned and looked around their surroundings, confused as well.

"Enigma, what happened? Where are we?" Megatron asked, rubbing the back of his helm as I helped him and Optimus up.

Optimus looked around and said, "It appears that injection has put us in some sort of... illusion. Although, I am not sure what the purpose of this is."

I nodded and helped him stay steady until he got his peding right.

When they were both fine, I said, "Well, if this is some sort of illusion, then there must be an end, right?"

Optimus thought for a moment and said, "You are right, but another way for the illusion to end is with time, but that could be hours here-"

"-And minutes in the real world." I finished, sighing at our predicament we were in.

Megatron then stepped forward and said, "Well, best be on our way, if there is an end like you both say, then I'd rather reach it before something bad happens to us here."

We both nodded and soon, all three of us were walking through the void, having no idea what awaited us or why we were there. After a while of walking, I then saw a bright light and I knew that the others saw this bright light as well. I started running for it and heard my brothers following behind me as well. I heard a voice then shout out in panic, almost like it was worrying for us.

"Hurry! You must reach this before she comes!" The voice shouted out and I recognized the voice immediately... it was Crea.

I didn't hesitate and ran as fast as I could to the light, with my brothers by my side. I was getting tired, but I didn't stop until I was consumed by the light and felt myself start to fade away from this dimension, but not before hearing someone scream out at us.

I didn't know what they said, but I had a feeling that this person was the one responsible for injecting us with that strange serum. However, I don't care about that now, because I felt myself waking up from my unconscious state.


I gasped awake, looking at my surroundings and saw that I was in Med-bay, but I wasn't alone. I turned my helm to see that Optimus and Megatron both bolted up from the berth and were looking around as well.

However, when I tried getting up, I felt like I was being weighed down by multiple bodies and when I looked, I was surprised that I was right. I saw Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp all laying next to me, asleep and holding either my arm or laying their helm on me. When I looked back at Optimus and Megatron, I realized that their lovers were also asleep and holding onto them.

I gently shook my mates awake and they all jumped at the contact, looking around to see who touched them, but when they saw me awake, they said, "Enigma!"

They lunged into my arms, hugging me and asking if I was alright. However, when they shouted, both Blackblade and Elita jumped awake and when they saw their mates awake, they lunged into their arms. I don't know what they said, but I was more focused on my own mates than anything, relieved that they were okay and unharmed.

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