Chapter 2 The New Bot

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Enigma POV

Ever since the war ended, peace among the Autobots and Decepticons has reigned for one and a half years straight, without any complications as well. There have been some disputes over some grudges that happened on Cybertron, but for now, everyone is enjoying the peace and seeing old allies again. Even with the human government, they fully trust us and have given us a piece of land where we can call home and find a way to rebuild Cybertron.

We have all been at hard work with that, but so far, not much progress has been made. However, that hasn't stopped Ratchet, Shockwave, Knockout, and Breakdown from trying to find a way of reviving Cybertron.

While they were working on that, Megatron, Optimus, and myself went on scouting missions to the next coordinates for the Iacon database. Apparently, there was a secret entry in the code and Optimus, Soundwave, and me had all been hard at work decoding the rest of the coordinates, in hopes that our salvation will be found in one of those entries.

The others wished to join us on these scouting missions, so we divided everyone into groups to make sure no one would be left behind or if a surprise attack happened. Everyone thought we were being paranoid when we told them this, but prior experience has taught us all to never let our guard down, even when we are at peace.

Now, I am in my predacon form, with Megatron flying right beside me, and Optimus driving to the next coordinates we had just decoded.

"Do you think we will find something valuable at the next coordinates?" I asked through my com-link to both Optimus and Megatron.

"Let us hope, I wish to bring good news back with us this time to help in the restoration of Cybertron." Optimus said and Megatron gruffed.

"You're telling me. The last few artifacts have just been old data pads that talk about the battle with Unicron and the Thirteen Primes."

With the last few coordinates we found, we only found some Data Cylinders that talked about the battle with Unicron, but something else was mentioned in those old texts as well.

"Yes, but it also talks about a Fourteenth Prime. I wonder if it's a message for what is to come, like this 'other Prime' is still alive and needs help." I said and they both thought for a second.

Then, I heard Optimus say, "That... could be possible, however, we should be quiet, we are arriving at the coordinates."

I nodded and turned off my com-link as we all transformed into our bot forms, skidding to a stop in front of the big cave. I looked into it, and I only saw darkness as the cave extended out, more and more.

"Well, we better make our way in there and find whatever artifact lies within."

They both nodded and we all descended into the cave of the unknown. As we descended, we had to put on our headlights, just so we didn't run into any of the stone spikes that were hanging on the ceiling. We didn't wish to turn them on because we wanted to go in stealth, but that plan was thrown out the window when Megatron kept hitting all the stone pikes on the ceiling.

As we made our way through, I was in front, since my senses were the strongest and I could warn of an attack, Optimus was next due to him being easy to evade, and Megatron was last so he could support us from behind. I looked around to see if I could find anything or hear anything, but so far, I couldn't find anything.

As we descended more into the cave, I smelled something. I put my servos up, signaling both Optimus and Megatron to stop and when they did, I spoke through our bond.

'I smell something up ahead.' I said through our bond.

'What is it?' Megatron asked me and I closed my optics, smelling the air again, or molecules in the air. When I opened my optics, I was shocked by what I smelled.

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