50. queen helaena II targaryen

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TYRION ENTERS THE COUNCIL ROOM WHCIH WAS NOT BURNT DOWN AS He sits in the Hand's chair as the rest of the council arrives, Samwell Bronn, Ser Davos, and Brienne He nods at them, and they nod back as they head to theirseats. 

Bran had managed to Convince Tyrion to be the Hand of the Queen and for Talia to be her advisor, it may sound the same but it was two very different jobs, in other words, Tyrion served Bran and Talia served Helaena

Samwell carries a book as he wears the Grandmaester robes and achain with a single healing link. "What's this?" Tyrion asked  "A Song of Ice and Fire  Archmaester Ebrose's history of thewars following the death of KingRobert I helped him with the title" Samwell says proudly

"I suppose I come in for some heavycriticism," Turion asked "I wouldn't say that,"  he says as Tyrion is surprised "He's kind to me? Well. I neverwould have guessed He isn't kind" Tyrion asked as he saw Sam's face "He stuttered "He what? What does he say about me?"  "I don't believe you're mentioned," He says in a sorry look as Tyrion sighs and closes the book

Bran and Helaena then enter with Podrick pushing Bran and Helaena and bran sit at the edge of the Table 

"We appear to be missing a Master of Laws and a Master of War and Master of Whispers" Bran asked them

"Yes, your grace. Suitable prospects will be brought to you for an audience in the coming weeks," Tyrion says. 

"and Drogon? Any word?" Bran asked as Helaena looked at him

"He was last spotted flying east, toward-" Sam says. "The farther away, the better, "Bronn interrupts as Helaena looks at him "Perhaps I can find him. Do carry onwith the rest" Bran says

"You will not do so unless I command otherwise," Helaena said from her spot "Leave it be" Helaena said to her betrothed 

"As you wish, your grace," Tyrion said easing the mood "We serve at your pleasure, Queen Helaena the Dragon and King Bran the Broken, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protectors of the Realm. 

"Long may they reign," They all said in a sloppy union Tyrion smiled apologetically at the young king and Queen."That will improve" He promises  Bran smiles slightly "I'm sure it will" He says as he gets rolled out 

However, Helaena doesn't leave "Carry on" Helaena says as she listens as Tyrion clears his throat awkwardly "Ser Bronn of the Blackwater," Tyrion says, "Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach, and Master of Coin would you say the crown's debt to you has been paid?" He asked

"In full, my lord Hand." Bronn replied 

"Good. Time to start incurring a new one. We have hungry people to feed. Can we expect some assistance in this regard?" Tyrion says.

"Indeed we can." he says "Good"

"Lord Davos," Tyrion says, "We have an armada to rebuild and ports to repair."

"We have. These projects will begin as soon as the Master of Coin and Lord of Lofty Titles provide funding." Ser Davos says as Helaena smiles and looks between the Rivals of the two men

"The Master of Coin looks forward to helping the Master of Ships but he has to ensure we're not wasting coin or soon there won't be no more coin," Bronn says.

"Any more," Davos corrects. "You Master of Grammar now too?" Bronn asks as Helaena smiles and chuckles a bit making Bronn look proudly at Ser Davos

"Grandmaster," Talia asked taking her role "it is my theory, based on my years of work on the pentos sewers that clean water leads to a healthier population," Talia asked

"The Archmaester has done some research on this subject," Sam says, "And it turns out-"

"The strong live and the weak don't-" Bronn interrupts. "Find the best builders and set them to the task," Helaena says.

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