30. greyjoys

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"Last time we saw each other was it Winterfell yes?" Tyrion said, "You were making jokes about my height. I seem to recall everyone who makes a joke about a dwarf's height thinks he's the only person to ever make a joke about the dwarf's height, the height of nobility, a man of your stature, a man to look up to, you are making the same five or six jokes" Tyrion said 

"It was a long time ago," Theon said nervously, "It was" Tyrion admitted "and how have things been going for you since then not? so while I gather. can't imagine it would since you murdered the Stark boys"

"I didn't murder the Stark boys," Theon told him, "but I did things that were just as bad maybe even worse" Theon admitted. "And he paid for it" his sister Yara said

"It doesn't seem like it Tyrion said "he is still alive  it was complicated for you I'm sure. never quite knowing who you were but then we all live complicated lives don't we?" Tyrion asked

"Enough" Helaena Demanded "You will give us 100 ships from your iron fleet and men to sell them and in return, I assume you want us to support your claim to the iron islands?" Dany looked to Theon.

"Not my claim. Hers" Theon pointed to his sister

'What's wrong with your you?" Helaena asked from next to Dany "I'm not fit to rule" theon admitted.

"We can at least agree upon that"' Tyrion said.  "Has The iron islands ever had a queen before?" Helaena asked "No more than Westeros' Yara said.

"Our uncle returned home after a long absence he murdered our father he would've murdered us if we stayed," Theon said to them

"Lord Tyrion tells us your father was a terrible king," Dany remarked "It seems that is something we have in common," Yara said smirking. As Helaena smiled back in disbelief, she liked this girl

"will her ships be enough?" Dany asked Tyrion 

"Possibly. Though there are more than 100 ships in the iron fleet" Tyrion told her, glancing back at the Greyjoys as did Dany and Helaena

"There are and my uncle is building them for you," Theon told them. "So why shouldn't we wait for him?" Dany questioned.

"The iron fleet is not all he's bringing. He also wants to give you his-" Theon began"His Big cock, I believe he called it" she smirked "He is offering marriage he won't take one without the other" She said as Helaena sighed 

"And I'm assuming your offer does not have the same requirements?' Dany questioned  "No, but I'm up for anything," Yara said smiling  "He murdered our father and he would've murdered us" theon repeated.

'he will murder you as soon as he gets what he wants.' The smile slide off Danny's face "The seven kingdoms" Helaena said more like asking a question 

"All of them" Theon confirmed "And you don't want the seven kingdoms?' Dany questioned.

"We just want back the iron islands" Yara told Them as Helaena smiled at this girl determination 

"And that's all?" danny questioned."We would like you to help us murder an uncle or two" Yara said grinning

"what if everyone starts demanding their independence?" Tyrion questioned "She's not demanding she's asking and the others are free to ask as well right sister" Helaena asked to which Dany nodded as Yara smiled at the young girl

"Our fathers were evil men they left the world worse than they found it. we are not going to do that we are going to leave the world better than we found it. you will support my claim as queen and Helena's as Princess of the 7 kingdoms and respect the seven kingdoms, no more reeving raiding raving or rapeing" Danny had  gotten up from her chair and walked Towards them with helaena following 

"That's our way of life" Yara told her 'No more' danny told her with finality "No more" Helaena said as Yara looked at Helaena then Theon "No more" she agreed she stuck her hand out to shake

Yara and Theon both stuck their hand out for the Targaryen girls to shake, Dany and Yara put their arms out as they shook it as Helaena and Theon did the same 

The Iron Fleets were theirs


Talia was packing up their clothes to get on the boat "Talia" Helaena called out as she entered the room  "mayhaps you have a moment to spare" Helaena asked

"Of course, Princess" Talia said as helaena sat down as she grabbed Talia's hand and also pulled her down on the couch 

"I find myself with child conceived by Hizdahr." Helaena says to her as Talia stares at her  "Seven hells, Princess Congratulations are in order Princess" Talia said as she took Helaena's hand in hers

"I must confess, I've had thoughts of relinquishing the child. The weight looms on me since Tonight we sail for Westeros, I mean I can't be with Child if a war is coming

"Princess, It is a gift, a testament to your strength," Talia said  "After watching what my sister has gone through motherhood feels overwhelming," Helaena said as she fiddles with her nails

"Think Princess The struggles and sacrifices endured by many, all to protect the innocent. This child is but a seed, yet it carries within it the potential for greatness, That child will be heir, Her grace can't Bare children and you are her Heir"

Helaena looked hesitant 

"Princess, none of us possess the foresight to glimpse on the morrow. What we can control is the devotion we shower upon the ones we hold dear. You are not alone" Talia said "Does her grace know" She asked as Helaena nodded

"You are a good and Loyal friend Talia. Perhaps there is more courage within me than I dared to believe" Helaena said as she put a hand on her stomach "I stand torn between my fears and the hope you kindle within me, Talia" helaena says to her friend soflty 

Talia: Let not fear to dictate your course, princess. Instead, let the promise of a future and I shall be here, every step of the way" she said as she embraced her friend who slightly sobbed 

"Thank you," she said they sat in silence 


Dany and Helaena's dragons soared overhead as they left for DragonStone with the iron Fleet behind them 100 ships and hundreds of men ready to fight for them, Helaena held her stomach as she looked back at Meereen and then at the sea ahead, 

Missandei, Ser Hallyne, and Talia joined Dany and Helaena with greyworm as they stood togther

 the council in kings landing named Cersei Lannister's queen All of her children are dead Jaime is gone so no one is there to guide her 

Helaena let out a shaky breath as she watched her children fly high in the sky with Drogon and Viserion and Rhaegal, They were entering the playing field of the Game of thrones.

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