06. witch

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THE NEARBY TOWN WAS PILLAGED AND BURNED to the ground by the  Dothraki men  as Dany and Helaena lokd around in shock

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THE NEARBY TOWN WAS PILLAGED AND BURNED to the ground by the  Dothraki men  as Dany and Helaena lokd around in shock

"What did they do?" helaena says as she walks through the city shocked

"Lamb men make good slaves Khal Drogo will make a gift of them to the slaves and slaves will give us gold" Rhkaro said to the young girl "and silk and steal"

"I thought the Dothraki did not believe in money?" Dany asked "The gold is for ships princess." Jorah told her. "Ships to sail to Westeros."

Dany and Helaena then saw a group of women being backed into a lamb cage where one old lady was being dragged by the hair by one bloo rider maro who threw her to the ground

"Dany make them stop" Helaena whipserd to her sister who nodded "Jorah make them stop"

"Khalessi?" he questioned again "You heard me"

"These men shed blood for their Khal now they claim their reward" Jorah told her as Helaena gripped Dany's hand

"She is a lamb girl Khaleesi,' The Dothraki soldier told her "their riders do her honor. If her wailing offends the Khaleesi or the khalakki, I will bring you her tongue" Rhkaro said but was stopped by dany

"Princess" Jorah said to Helaena  "you have a gentle heart but this is how it is always been" He said 

"she does not have a gentle heart," Dany told him as she moved Helaena away from him "do as I demand," she said in Dothraki "or Khal Drogo will know the reason why  the Dothraki men moved forward"

Jorah grabbed the woman that was thrown to the floor "What do you want with them?" Jorah questioned

"Bring her to me" Dany said "and those women there too. she pointed to the pen "You cannot claim them all, Princess"

"I can and so can your khalakki And we will," Dany said as Dany nodded "Take them," Helaena said to Rhkaro n Dorthraki. He nods and opens the pen

The women were free and Helaena and Dany headed back to the shaded area where Drogo and the man that threw the girl on the floor, Mago who was Yelling about the Khaleesi and khalakki

"Mago says that you have taken his spoils a daughter of a lamb man who was to be his. Tell me the truth of this.' Drogo asked in Dorathraki as he sat on his stone throne 

"Mago speaks the truth my sun and stars" Dany said "we have claimed many daughters this day so they cannot be mounted"

"Mounted, gosh it makes them seem like horses but I suppose if the wedding was any indication on how dothraki men treat-'

"This is the way of war these women are slaves now" Drogo told them "To do with as we please" he corrected

"it pleases me to keep them safe," Dany said in a begging tone "If your riders would mount them let them take them for wives" Dany told her husband 

"Does the horse mate with the Lamb?" mago said back "The dragon feeds on the horse and Lamb alike"  Helaena spoke up from her spot next to Jorah, Everyone turned to face her as Drogo had a proud smile on his face,

Dany looked at her with a soft look. Mago looked at Helaena "You're a foreigner you do not command me" he said 

"I am Khaleesi I do commend you and so does the Khalakki" Drogo laughs at Mago

'See how fierce She grows? That is my son inside of her, the stallion that will mount the world filling her with his fire. I will hear no more find somewhere else to stick your cock" Mago spit at drogos feet as everyone looked shocked 

"A khal Who takes orders from a foreign whore is no khal" Mago spat as he raised his scythe

Talia and Doreah took Helaena back as Jorah pulled Dany

"I will not have your body burned," Drogo told him as he stood up "I will not give you that honor," he said standing up but the mago's blade dug into his shoulder he pushed the blade off him

"I will carve you up and the Beatles will feed on your eyes the worms will crawl through your lungs,' Drogo threatened and the man swung at him "The rain will fall upon your rotting skin" he took out his daggers and dropping them at his feet, "until nothing is left of you but bones" Again the man swung but Drogo dodged 

"first you have to kill me.' Mago Sadi as Drogo held his sword stopping him form moving

"I already have," Drogo said slicing his throat  ripping out his tongue, and dropping it down with the rest of the bodies he killed today. Dany pulled from jorah's grip 

"My sun and stars is wounded," Danny said kneeling before him he looked down toward the blade that had dug deep into his skin. "It is just a scratch moon of my life" he told her

"Where are the healers?" Dany demanded "It's just a flea bite," Drogo told them "I can help the great rider with his cut" one of the women declared. "The khal needs no help from slaves who lie with sheep!" one of the Dothraki Guards told her

"She is mine. Let her speak" Dany said "Thank you, silver lady," she said stepping forward

"Who are you?" Dany asked the lady "I am named Mirri Mazdor,I was the gods wife of this temple."  "Witch" the Dothraki men spat at her calmly

"My mother was the god's wife before me she taught me how to make healing smokes anointment All men are one flock so many people believe a great shepherd sent me to heal the earth," Mirri said and the Dothraki man slapped her across the face.

"Too many words. Witch words poison the ears" He said  "Lamb or Lions his wound must be washed in stone or it will fester!

"Let her clean your wounds my sun and stars it makes me hurt to see you bleed," Danny told Drogo who looked at the woman before nodding. Mirri stepped forward as Dany stepped back to give the witch some space.

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