01. khal drogo

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DAENERYS  HEARD VISERYS YELL as she blinks away any thoughts she had before as she stares at the sea ahead in Pentos, Viserys walk in with a silk dress from his arms

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DAENERYS  HEARD VISERYS YELL as she blinks away any thoughts she had before as she stares at the sea ahead in Pentos, Viserys walk in with a silk dress from his arms

"Daenerys! There's our bride-to-be!" He said "Look. A gift from Illyrio. Go on, touch it! Feel the fabric." He then told her, as she stops before him to feel it as she traces over it "Isn't he a gracious host?" She looks at the fabric for a second longer before looking up at him,

"We've been his guest for over a year and he's never asked us for anything." She told him gently as she can

"Well, Illyrio is no fool. He knows I won't forget my friends when I come into my throne." He then holds the fabric to the side for a maid to take "You still slouch." He told her then moves her hair behind her shoulders. "Let them see," he says as he removes her light dress

"You have a woman's body now." he drops her dress to the floor and looks at her body as he sighs, "I need you to be perfect today. Can you do that for me?" he asked her.

She looks up at him not saying anything. "You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?" He then said in a more stern voice.  "No." She said in a soft voice.

"When they write the history of my reign, sweet sister, they will say it began today." He told her and walks out of her chambers.

Meanwhile, Helaena was staring out her window as her handmaiden Talia helped put on a necklace, Helaena was not to be wed that day but Viserys had told her that in a few years when she turned fifteen 

As Talia finished with her hair she quickly went down the palace entrance to go stand with her brother and sister waiting for the Dothraki to come and see Dany.

"Where is he?" Viserys asked Illyrio.

"The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality," the Pentoshi man replied.

Helaena looked bothered with giving up her sweet and innocent sister to a man who knows where from. She hadn't bothered to study them, She was more likely to rebel against viserys than anyone else in Pentos

The sound of servers' hoofs beats get all of their attention

Illyrio speaks in Dothraki to the Khal before he switches to the common tonguefor his guests

"May I present my honor? Viserys of House Targaryen, the Third of His name, the rightful king of the Andals and the First Men, and his sister, Daenerys of House Targaryen," he paused. Illyrio looks at Rhae before he shifts his gaze to Viserys with a barely noticeable smirk, then looks at the Khal, "and their youngest sister, Helaena of House Targaryen," he finished off 

Illyrio now speaks in Dothraki. Daenerys goes to follow, but Viserys grabs her roughly,  "Do you see how long his hair is? When Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut their braid so the whole world can see their shame. Khal Drogo has never been defeated"

Helaena rolls her eyes "He's a savage, of course, but he's one of the finest killers," Viserys continued then paused, lowering his voice to a whisper, "And you will be his queen" Helaena Quickly walks up to her sister and grabs her other arm as she glares at Viserys who smirks and lets her go

"Come forward, my dear."

she stepped down the steps toward Khal Drogo. She stopped beside him for him to look, then he turned his horse around and rode off, with his men behind him

"Where is he going?!" Viserys shouted, 

 "The ceremony is over."

"But he - but he didn't say anything. Did he like her ?" Viserys worried "Trust me, Your Grace, if he didn't like her, we'd know," Illyrio said sarcastically 

After the ceremony, Helaena, Dany, Viserys, and Illyrio stood by a short sandstone wall, looking out at the ocean. Illyrio and Viserys stand directly by it, Dany stood of Viserys's side while Hel stood next to Illyrio "It won't be long now Soon you will cross the Narrow Sea and take back your father's throne," he said "the people drink secret roasts to your health. They fry out for their true king."

Viserys pushed himself off the sandstone. He walked, Illyrio on his left and his sisters following behind Helaena took Dany's hand in hers. "When will they be married?" Viserys was impatient for it to begin

"Soon. The Dothraki never stay still for long."

"Is it true that they lie with their horses?" Viserys asked

"I wouldn't ask Khal Drogo." he said "Do you take me for a fool?" Viserys asked, 

"I take you for a king. Kings lack the caution of common men"

"I don't want to be his queen," Dany's voice snapped at the men, as Helaena nodded as Viserys stared at both Women in confusion 

 " I want to go home." she said softly "So do I," Viserys walked toward her. "I want us all to go home, but they took it from us. So tell me, sweet sister, how do we go home?"

Daenerys avoided his gaze before she looked him straight in the eyes "I don't know."

"We go home with an army," he reached his hand toward her and lightly stroked Daenerys' silver hair, as he used his other arm to fiddle with Helaena's "with Khal Drogo's army. I would let his whole tribe fuck the two of you," He says"All forty thousand men and their horses too if that's what it took."

Viserys stroked both their cheeks lightly. He grabbed Dany's chin as kissed her forehead, and Dany closed her eyes. He then cupped Helaena's face and kissed her forehead as well.

he glances at both of them before he's walking off with Illyrio.

Helaena quickly takes Dany away from the walk back to their chambers

"Tell me, dear Sister I sense the fear in your heart regarding your marriage to Khal"

"What if I am not ready? What if I make a grave mistake, What if I wake the dragon" Dany says as she sits on a bench looking at the sea

"marriage is often a union born out of shared values, alliances, and duty. While love may not always be the foundation, there are ways to find peace, And I will be their to help" Helaena says back as she looks at her nails

 "I understand laena, but my heart is heavy with uncertainty. What if I am unable to find love in this marriage"

"Sweet Sister, it is true that love cannot be guaranteed in every union take our ancestors, many weren't happy but they still did their duty and without them, we wouldn't be here," Healean says"I wish they didn't," Dany says as she moves hair out of her face

"Your words bring me some comfort,laena, but the loss of my freedom troubles me greatly What if they use me, Or use you then throw us away like slaves," Dany says as she bits her nails

"Wise words," she said making Helaena giggle at herself making any smile at her

"My Lady" The two princesses looked and saw Helaena personal Maid, Talia, "Talia what is it" 

"His grace has sent me to get you for dinner, The wedding is to happen on the morrow" Talia says as she bows and leaves,

Helaena kisses Dany's head as the two women walk back inside 

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