40. lannisters allies

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"IM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR LOYALTY but my dragon died so we could be here

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"IM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR LOYALTY but my dragon died so we could be here. If it's all for nothing, then he died for nothing." Dany said to Jon

"I know" Jon replied, " I'm pleased you bent the knee to our I would have advised it, had you asked. But have you ever considered learning how to lie every now and then? Just a bit?" Tyrion said to him

"I'm not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. Talk about me if you want, tell me that's the attitude that got him killed. But when enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies, and lies won't help us in this fight." Jon said to him

Helaena looked at Jon after what he just said, she had always admired the Starks and how they kept oaths, They were powerful allies whom you could trust, She respected that "Any ideas on what we should now?" She asked the group

"I have one, Everyone stays here, and I go and talk to my sister," Tyrion asked and suggested like he set the stone on his plan 

 "I didn't come all this way to have my hand murdered." Dany said to Ryrion as she walked forward " I don't want Cersei to murder me either. I could have stayed in my cell and saved a great deal of trouble." He said 

"I did this. I should go. Jon suggested  "She'll definitely murder you" Helaena stated to jon from her spot next to him

 "I go see my sister alone. Or we all go home and we're right back where we started." Tyrion said as he began to walk out of the dragonpit but looked back at Helaena and Dany. 

Dany nods as Helaena fiddles with her hands not wanting to lose a friend if Cersei murders him.

While the group waits for Tyrion to come back Helaena is exploring the dragon pit coming across bones from the small dragons or teeth or anything that was related to them Talia was right by her side listening to her rants about the history of it

"I remember Viserys once told me that The dragon pit was also not just a stable for dragons, It was the place of coronations, Maegor the cruel built this place but it was destroyed by the common people, A dragon is not a slave" Helaena said as she picked up a bone piece that looked to be horns 

"One of the Targaryen Kings was it?" She asked as he looked around the archway"

 "The idea of that is an illusion, Without them, we are just like everyone else," Helaena said "I recognize this," Helaena said once more picking up  a massive pear of horns of bones and a rusted chain "Dreamfyre and Tyraxes"

"Where are the rest?" Talia asked "The red keep most Likely," Helaena said as she handed the small horns to her Friend "I thought you did like history" Talia asked with a smirk "Didn't like viserys history, I loved It when you thought me it" She said as she looked in Talia's eyes

"That's very kind of you Princess" Talia said as she stared into the violet eyes of the heir to the iron throne  

"When I am Queen, You will be my hand, My companion, My children's other mother," Helana said as smiled up at her friend "I'm a bastard, the world would not accept it," Talia said "Queen can legitimize, House Tyrell is gone, You are one of the last, I can make you Queen of the reach, Yara will be Queen better yet my sister will " Helaena said 

"I would be Queen of the five kingdoms just for you," Helaena said holding Talia's hand in hers "Princess.." Talia began "Laena" Helaena corrected "I' don't want to rule anything, I just want to be by your side," Talia said 

Helaena smiled as she rubbed her stomach, "Fine then, While my sister rules, You, me and Ser Hallyne, and My children, Flying on Syrax and Caraxes and their dragon eggs, Across Westeros and Essos" Helaena said as Talia put a hand over Her princesses stomach 

"That sounds wonderful Laena," Talia said 

They hear footsteps behind them as they return, Tyrion walks in alone. He is followed by Cersei, the Mountain the Lannister guards, and Jaime and the hand. "My armies will not stand down. I will not pull them back to the capital. I will march them north to fight alongside you in the Great War. The darkness is coming for us all. We'll face it together. And when the Great War is over, perhaps you'll remember I chose to help with no promises or assurances from any of you. I expect not. Call our banners. All of them." 

Helaena smiled at the Lion Queen, The Young princess was so easily tricked.


" If we have the Dothraki ride hard on the king road, they'll arrive at Winterfell within the fortnight," Jon said panning the path to Winterfell in order to make it safe for Helaena and Dany

"And the Unsullied?" Dany asked  We can sail with them to the White Harbor meet the Dothraki on the King's Road along and ride to Winter Fell." Helaena said as she moved a piece with the dragon symbol

"Perhaps you should fly to Winterfell, Your grace, Princess. You have many enemies in the North. Thousands fell fighting your father. All it takes is one angry man with a crossbow. He'll see your silver hair on the King Road and know that a well-placed bolt will make him a hero. The man who killed the conqueror and her heir."

 " It's your decision, Your Grace. But if we're going to be allies in this war, it's important for the Northerners to see us as allies. If we sail to White Harbor together, I think it sends a better message."

"I agree," Helaena said smiling a Jon, She suggested that when going to the dragonpit, and that nearly didn't work so This time they should do it 

"I've not come to conquer the North. I'm coming to save the North. We sail together" Dany said as she dismissed the room 

"It looks like you will finally get your wish," Dany said as she sat down on her council chair "I wonder what Winterfell is like, Is it just as Viserys claimed" Dany shrugged 

"Jon would know, go find him before he leaves" Dany smiled at the sister she considered her daughter 


"Jon snow!" She called out to Jon who was walking to the harbour "Princess" He said after he turned around, Quite startled that the princess is talking to him

This was a proper conversation that they were having as they haven't talked to each other since the wall "You were King of the north, What's it like there" The young girl asked in a smiley voice, Jon raised his eyebrow 

"Why princess" He asked "My brother taught me all about westeros but Winterfell excites me," She said as they walked side by side, Jon laughed sadly at this knowing Winterfell did not like her or her sister 

he felt bad that this young girl had no idea how much the people of winterfell hated her and her sister

"It's beautiful, Its very cold up there but if you've lived there all your life it becomes a part of you" He said, The crypts down below

as he got down on his knee to get down to her height "You are a very strong Princess, Promise me you'll be safe" he asks not knowing if taking the Targaryen Queen and Princess to the place where many northerners do not like them

"of course my lord," Helaena said as she held her stomach, Jon knew this was a risk but he knew that if they didn't defeat the dead then his Queen wouldn't get what she spent many years trying to get 

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