03. child and baths

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HELAENA WAS SITTING BY THE SMALL VANITY that was in her tent she shared with Talia, She was starting in it as Talia brushed through her long white and soft Targaryen hair, while a hand maiden named Jhiqui from the Dothraki clan was putting a banda...

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HELAENA WAS SITTING BY THE SMALL VANITY that was in her tent she shared with Talia, She was starting in it as Talia brushed through her long white and soft Targaryen hair, while a hand maiden named Jhiqui from the Dothraki clan was putting a bandage over Helaena's two hands 

She had been riding for so long that the reigns left a mark, The girl from the clan was a nice lady who couldn't speak good English so she relied on Dany's hand maiden Irri or doreah to translate 

she was pulled from her thought when doreah entered her tent making Talia stop brushing but Jhiqui kept using the banged against her hand "Doreah please come in" Helaena said 

Doreah smiled and walked in as she looked she was about to speak helaena spoke up "Is there something wrong?" she asked  

"The Khaleesi has requested your presence khalakki," Doreah says just as Helaena signals Talia to let go of her hai and put the brush away just as Jhiqui finishes rapping up her band-aid,

Helaena followed Doreah inside her older sister's tent, when she walked in she saw Dany staring at the eggs almost like she was about to touch them "Unless you have so magic powers to hatch them then don't bother to stare sister" she said causing any to jump and look up

Dany stands and smiles softly before she pulls her into a hug, they haven't hugged for awhile so This mad Helaena feels warm again in her cold heart "You look pale" Dany said to her sister "Yes a lot of riding, had to stop and throw up half the time, Talia was with me most  of the time"

"Thats good, Doreah?" Dany called just as she entered the room "Will you draw a bath for her please."

"Its okay-" Helaena began but Doreah already left the room "Laena" Dany told her cupping her face as she sat down on the bed, "There is something you need to know," dany said

Making Helaena look at her sister fully focused "I'm with child" She spoke softly that if helaena was a little bit further away she would not have heard "You're going to be mother" Helaena said as she looked down on the floor with a smile bright on her face 

"Im going to be an aunt!" She exclaimed as Dany shushed her "I haven't told anyone besides you and Doreah I'm going to tell them soon so I need you to be quiet okay?"

"Fine," she said as she looks at Dany's stomach "Praying for a girl," Helaena said "Why?" Dany asked "I don't know, I've had dreams, of me and some blonde haired Little girl running around while I watch her, Your right beside me, Horses are running around, and Your holding a son, Can only imagine it a sign," Helaena said as she sat down 

Doreah enters Before any can even think about what Helaena just said  "The bath is ready, Khaleesi," she informed them

"Thank you, Doreah will help you," Dany says as she traces her hand over Helaena's face and kisses her forehead "I have to tell Drogo the news, of his child" she says and in her eyes, its practically sayig 'Wish me luck'

Helaena nods and walks out of the room with Doreah following 

"The Khaleesi and Talia told me this was your bath temperature " Doreah smiles when Helaena puts her hand in the bath, Hot.

Helaena begins to undress just as Doreah comes to help remove her Dothraki-given jacket. "Thank you," Helaena says dismissing Doreah as she nods and leaves the room

Helaena's feet touch the bath first, Quickly they soak in the hot bath just as the rest of her body enters, She feels a great relief as some of her hair also touches the water. soon enough her whole body is submersed in the steaming bath.


Helaena had been in the bath for quite a long time, Long enough for Dany to return after telling Drogo. They had been chatting for a while as Dany got a sponge and washed Helaena's back much to Helana's protests 

"Do you think it's going to be a boy or girl?" Helaena asked Dany stopped what she was doing as she soaked the cloth in the water again before looking at Helena's face "A boy. I told Drogo" she replied, 

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