11. marriage

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"SO TELL ME HOW LONG HAS YOUR MANSERVENT been in love with your sister?"  Xaro asked as he and Helaena walked 

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"SO TELL ME HOW LONG HAS YOUR MANSERVENT been in love with your sister?"  Xaro asked as he and Helaena walked 

"He's not My manservant and he's not in love with her, He's our adviser and Our friend" Helaena laughed off as she walked  "Unlikely I can almost always tell what a man wants," Xaro said 

"And what about what a woman wants?'Helaena said to him looking up  "That is much more complicated"

"You for example. What do you want?' Xaro asked "To cross the narrow sea and take back the iron throne," Helaena said proudly to him as he stopped walking by a window and stood in front of her

"Why?" Xaro asked "'Because My sister and I promised our khalasar we would protect them and find them a safe home" Helaena answered him

Xaro chuckled "You want to conquer the seven kingdoms for the Dothraki?" he asked her quite shocked  "We want them because it is ours right, "Helaena told him firmly "The iron throne is ours and we will take it," Helaena told him

"A conqueror," Xaro said  "And how did you get all of this did someone give it to you?" Helaena sassed back

"No, I come from nothing,"  he told her "I hit the docs like a piece of cargo except someone normally cares what happens to cargo," Xaro told her 

"So you wanted more than you had and you took it," Helaena asked  "Your a conquer too just less ambitious," Helaena said as Xaro laughed slightly 

"What do you want? Xaro xhoan Daxos" Helaena asked  "At the gates of the city you bleed for us? Why," she asked  "I will show you why" he said offering Helaena his hand hesitantly she took it

Xaro had asked Dany to also come as he wanted them both to be their

"The door of the vault is made of valerian stone the hardest steal does not make a mark. I offer the greatest locksmith in Qarth their weight and gold if they could break into it I made the same offer to the greatest thieves they all went home empty-handed the only thing that can open the door is this key" he held it up around his neck.

"And behind the door?" Helaena asked as she ran her fingers over the design but he didn't say anything "And it's ours?" Helaena asked "All? Let us say half"  Xaro told her "more than enough to buy horses ships armies enough to go home"

"All we have to do," Helaena asked him "Is marry me," Xaro said to Helaena looking into her eyes as Dany looked at Helaena  


"That was a romantic proposal," Helaena said looking at him

"I've already married once for love but the gods stole her from me," he said as he walked around the room, Helaena and Dany looked at each other

 "I come from nothing my mother and father never owned a pair of shoes but marry me and I will give you  the seven kingdoms and our children will be princes and princesses," he told them as he looked at Helaena

Dany looked at the vault and Helaena looked at her  "See I have more ambition than you thought" He said  "The time is right Daenerys Targaryen first of her name, Helaena Targaryen second of her name Robert Baratheon is dead" He said 

Helaena and Dany looked at each other in shock, The man who wanted them dead for so long, the man who took their Father's throne was finally gone, replaced by a bastard seventeen year old.


"If you cross the narrow sea with an army that you bought-" Jorah said "With your sister's foreign husband who paid for it"

"The seven kingdoms are at war with each other" Dany told Jorah, "four false kings are destroying the country"

"If you want to take Westeros you need support from Westeros" Jorah said as Helaena sat down next to him

"The usurper is dead,"  Dany told him, "the Starks fight the Lannister the Baratheons fight each other," she said as Helaena looked up at her sister

"According to your new friend who earned your trust by cutting his hand?" Jorah sassed

"The time to strike is now we need his ships and an army or we will spend the rest of our lives rotting away at the edge of the world," Dany said as she tied up the cage with her dragons

"Rich men do not become rich by giving more than they get. They'll give you ships and soldiers and they will own you forever". Jorah told her "Moving carefully is the hard way but it's the right way"

'And if we listened to that at the gates outside of Qarth we would all be dead by now" Helaena told Jorah from her place 

"I know the opportunity before you seems like the last you'll ever have but you must-" Jorha began

"Do not speak to me like I'm a child"  Danny said moving past him "But your sister is" Jorah said "Do not talk to me like I'm not even here, I'm the one he wants to marry It's my choice?" Helaena said standing up and walking toward the balcony 

"I only want-" Jorah said  "What do you want? Tell me" Dany demanded

"To see you on the iron throne"  jorah told her softly. "Why?"

"You have a good claim the title, your birthright you have something more than that you may cover it up and deny it but you have a gentle heart. You would not only be respected and feared but you would be loved by someone who can and should rule. Centuries come and go without a person like that coming into the world there are times when I look at you and your sister and I still can't believe you are real" He says to her

"What would you have us do as my advisor?" Dany asked him

'Make your own way find your own ship you only need one the allies we need are in Westeros not Qarth" Jorah insisted "And how do we get this ship?" Helaena asked not taking her eyes off the city below

"I will find it for you," Jorah told the women "A sound ship with a good captain" he confirmed.

"I look forward to meeting him" Danny agreed

'Khaleesi, Khalakki"  he said bowing before Dany and then Helaena before leaving the room, Helaena approached Dany, as the women cupped her face "I don't want you to go through marriage  my sun" she says as she strokes her cheek 

"I have to, for our people we cant live like this forever, How long until the blood of my blood starts stealing and killing the people of Qarth, We will have Rewards over our heads"

Dany sighs "Robert Baratheon is dead, no one will harm us" Dany says to her

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