Chapter XI - Civil War, End

Start from the beginning

In his earpiece, he heard Sam urging Captain and Bucky to leave others behind and fly. Clint said the same thing. Victor did not have a chance to focus on the chatter, since from the wreckage a beam of yellow energy flew at his legs. With a curse on his breath, he shaped his magic in the form of a circular shield. The beam crushed into the shield and got sucked in. Victor waved his hands again and a bigger shield appeared over his head, which shot out the yellow beam, now twice its size. This was the first time Victor ever heard Vision cry out in pain. The beam created a large, smoldering crater, from which the android was slowly crawling out.

"The Ancient One was right, order magic can be used against infinity stones." Victor's thoughts were disturbed by a loud noise. When he turned around, he saw Scott as tall as a freaking building. Shaking his head from shock, he turned back to the android.

"Vision, if you continue this I will have to stop holding back so much." Victor was about to continue when he heard a gigantic explosion. When he turned around, he was a tower being held in the air by red energy. "Wanda." Completely forgetting about crawling Vision, he gathered magic and rushed to Wanda. His ears buzzed as he pierced through the air. He got there just to see War Machine using some sort of sonic weapon on her. Wanda screamed, covering her ears, and Victor saw red. He formed a magical circle and shouted out 10 thick beams of energy that homed in on the War Machine. Rhodey started to shake in the air, being surrounded by blue explosions. Before he dropped to the ground, Victor waved in a blue whip, coiled it around him, and threw Rhodes over his back. He speared a single glance at the burned metal suit and kneeled to Wanda.

"Are you all right? Wanda my love? Please be all right." He placed a hand on her cheek.

" He placed a hand on her cheek

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"Yes... he caught me off guard." She breathed out. "Before Stark blew off the tower, Steve managed to escape with Bucky." As she said that, a quinjet lifted off the airport. Scott appeared to turn back to his normal size as Iron Man flew after Steve.

"At least there is that." The pair noticed Rhodey standing up and also flying towards the ship. His entire suit sent out sparks and looked like it was barely holding together. Sam appeared out of nowhere and flew right back at him.

However, Rhode's suit seemed to get a major malfunction as it started to drop. Victor and Wanda were only able to see a small dot in the sky descending and then dropping to the ground.

"Oh no..." Victor felt something cold inside his chest.

"I will help him!" Vision, flew past and quickly turned into a blur. Soon after, an entire airport was swarmed with police and military.

"I'm sorry, Victor." Wanda whispered while burying her face in Victor's shoulder.

"Me too, Wanda."

"We did the right thing." She said into his ear as the police were running at them. They already had Scott and Clint in chains.

"We didn't hide." He felt a pinch in his neck. Once he pulled out a small dart, the world started to spin. He barely noticed being pushed to the floor and handcuffed.

Flash forward.

Raft prison.

He expected they put them into some sort of prison. But a fortress in the middle of an ocean was not what he had in mind. Victor, true to Steve's orders, did not fight back, even if he wanted to. Fighting would only make things worse, and it was never their goal to hurt innocents. Now, however? He felt pretty damn violent. They put on a shock collar on him, bound him in a straitjacket, and even put a metal mask around his lips. Hell, they even put a syringe in his arm that pours some crap into his body, making him barely conscious. All just to make sure he won't escape. His cell was a bloody square made of concrete with a single metal bench and a toilet in the corner. This was not the worst. The worst was the knowledge that right below his cell, Wanda was locked up in the same way he was. His heart burned with fury on that thought alone. His sweet, gentle Wanda is locked up like an animal. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open due to drugs. As much as he tried, he couldn't reach her mind. His eyes eventually closed. He was alone.

A sound of moving metal awakened him

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A sound of moving metal awakened him.

"Oh God, what have they done to you." Some familiar voice spoke. Victor felt the collars and face mask leaving his body. He tried to fight exhaustion, but as soon as he tried to move, he fell forward. Strong hands caught him and took off the straightjacket. "I will get you out of here, don't worry."


"Yes, it's me. Everyone else is already out, and so is your gear. We will leave this place and get you some help."

"You came back."

"No one gets left behind." He continued to drag Victor across the prison. "I owe each of you Victor... Not many would have my back in this."

"Wanda?" Victor felt so dizzy he couldn't even keep his eyes open. He could, however, hear Steve's chuckle.

"She is safe and stable. You both will get proper help soon."

"Is it done?"

"Yes, maybe not the way we planned, but the threat is gone."

They went outside unopposed and after a quick walk through the rain, they found themselves in quinjet. Victor finally felt Wanda's presence, which latched onto him greedily. She lay on one of the benches, barely keeping her green eyes open. Victor was placed on the second bench. The pair joined their hands and drifted off to sleep.

The only voice left was the raindrops hitting the ship and the humming of the engine.

With the end of the Civil War, we now have 2 years before the Infinity War starts, which I will definitely use.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading. Seriously, I am deeply grateful for each read and each star :)

Take care!

The Blue Mage (Wanda Maximoff X Male OC) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now