Chapter X - Before the Storm

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Marketplace near Avengers Headquarters, March 2016

Victor Faust POV

It was a surprisingly busy day at the market. His arms buckled under the pressure of bags filled to the brim with fresh ingredients. Whistling under his breath, he started to go back home. Suddenly, a known sensation shivered on his neck. Cursing under his breath, he started to look around the market while slowly moving away from the crowd. Fighting in such a big crowd was the least he wanted to do. He left the market and entered a back alley.

"Good morning, Mr. Faust." Victor jumped and turned around. He saw a bald woman dressed up in bright yellow robes with a heavy-looking necklace in the shape of an eye.

"Oh yeah, that's the source I've picked up on." Victor thought and slowly placed the bags on the ground.

"Good morning." Victor quickly looked around the alley, making sure they were alone.

"Please, there is no need to be so defensive, Mr. Faust. I come here in peace."

"Sure, you are. I must warn you, my friends are dangerously close." Blue sparks started to dance around his twitching fingertips.

"That's part of the reason I am here, but please allow me to introduce myself. People call me the ancient one. I'm the current Sorcerer Supreme."

"You are the old hag?!" Victor gasped, and his eyes turned blue for a second. The woman raised an eyebrow and waved her hand lazily. In a second, Victor felt like he had just entered a cold pool. The entire world turned upside down, making him feel nauseous.

"This is the mirror dimension. The real world is not affected by it; therefore, we can talk freely here... Old hag?"

"Well, that's what your father always called you. I'm sorry, it just slipped." Victor looked around the dimension with open wonder. "Fascinating."

"Yes, the echo of your father's actions reached my ears. In a way, you fulfilled my duties dealing with him." The woman spoke with a calm and collected tone. She slowly circled Victor with her hands behind her back. "But this isn't why I came to see you."

"Then why? Don't get me wrong, I feel honored by your visit, but I have starving mouths to feed."

"During your confrontation with your father, you naturally used magic most could only dream of."

"What magic? And how do you know it?" The Ancient One briefly touched her necklace.

"I have my ways, Victor, and to answer the former question, it was order magic. This and your placement in the Avengers create a situation I never thought possible for our entire reality. You will put order into the chaos of this world, Victor. You must have noticed how your magic was acting on its own. Taking control of your father's spells and disturbing the souls he devoured?"

"It was hard not to notice."

"Order magic is mostly known for taking control of other magics and our present reality. Putting them in order, shall we say."

"What exactly do you want with me?"

"I'm delighted you asked. I need to make sure you properly develop these powers. You must nurture them."


"I can't say."

"You can't or you won't?" Victor growled.

"Both." She smirked. "As much as I would like to just sit and explain everything in detail, it would cause a catastrophe."

"How do you know all of this? What can you tell the future?" The woman simply smiled and waved her hands. The eye on her neck opened, revealing a glowing green crystal.

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