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your pov

the december air was really cold but you didnt mind you were an android after all. as you walked down the pathway to get to the sidewalk you looked across the street and saw police tape surrounding the neighbors house but there were no police cars around. should you investigate? you knew you shouldnt trespass on property especially a police crime scene but your curiosity was just too strong. so you looked around and hopped over the police tape and went around to the back of the house. the windows were all broken and boarded up but there was a backdoor that was wide open. you figured it wouldnt hurt much just to see what was going on in there so you went through the back door to see what was in there. the house was really dirty and smelled of mold. a rat ran by in front of you and you screeched at it. it ran away and you continued to look around your footprints were left in dust on the floor. you gulped smelling dust and mold everywhere in the house. you finally found the drug stash it was surrounded by more police tape and marked with flowing markers around the floor around it. it was stacked high bags of red ice. you gasped at how much there was at least 50 pounds of it this must be worth a fortune you thought. it was stacked up to your waist level. "wow" you breathed but suddenly you realized you werent alone in the room. "what the fuck are you doing here" you screamed and stumbled backwards and saw the man with a big beard and tired looking eyes he lunged at you but you ran out of the room and you ran out of the house out into the snow he chased you but suddenly the cops from before were there. the android cop tackled the man and the lieutenant put himself between you and the man with his gun pointed at the man. "why were you in there" lieutenant scolded you "you could have gotten hurt. dont you know not to poke your nose in police business?" you lowered your head in shame "im sorry lieutenant i got curious and thought maybe i could help the investigation" lieutenant anderson sighed lowering his gun once he saw his partner successfully detained the man with a big beard and tired looking eyes. "well i guess you did kinda help because you got our suspect caught" lieutenant said to which you grinned "really i helped?" he nodded and you smiled wider "wow thats so cool" you watched as the android led away the man with the big beard and tired looking eyes in handcuffs and stuffed him into the back of a police car you laughed as the door was slammed shut and he was driven away by another cop you read his name tag to be detective chris wilson. lieutanant came over to you and patted your shoulder "i still wish you didnt get involved but nice work kid" the android came back over and said "good job." you smiled and enjoyed your moment

after you hung out with them for a bit longer you actually learned their names were actually connor and hank. they told you about how police work worked and you were fascinated with how it worked. you ended up being gone for a few hours and by the time you got home it was almost 5. todd was on the couch when you got home and he stood up "i was worried why were you gone for so long?" you smiled and explained where you were "i was across the street helping the police with detective work" todd paused and then asked "you helped the police?" you nodded and he laughed "wow thats cool" you nodded and smiled and said "yeah we caught the man in the photo" he smiled "wow i cant believe it." you nodded and went to sit next to him on the couch then when you went around you could see his full body and saw he was wearing a nice dark green button up "oh todd you look like" he blushed and adjusted his collar "thanks." you smiled and you sat next to him. he then said "so are you ready for the movie" you nodded and blushed he reached forward to pick up the remote even though you knew this was pointless all the tvs were voice controlled you guessed he just wanted to make things special so he went to the search area and looked at you and said "what do you want to watch?" you thought for a minute and said "any hockey movies?" he smiled and blushed you blushed back and he put on a movie about a boy who wanted to be a famous hockey player but he only had one leg. it was very inspirational. about halfway through the movie you glanced over at todd and saw he had tears in his eyes. he looked at you and said "it reminds me of my daughter she always wanted to play hockey because she knew it would make me happy she never did though because they don't let girls on the team" he sniffled and you scooted closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him "hey its ok" he sniffled and wiped his face with the back of his hand "thanks." you nodded and smiled and he smiled too. after he stopped crying you didnt scoot back to your side of the couch and his hand brushed yours. you blushed and he scooped your hand into his and held your hand. you glanced over at him and he blushed. you held his hand back and he blushed. your thirium pump was pounding but instead of shying away you scooted closer to him and he let go of your hand and instead put his arm around you. you blushed and let out a nervous laugh. he laughed too and said "is that ok?" you nodded and rested your head on his shoulder he chuckled and hugged his arm tighter around you then he said "you know i havent felt this way in a long time" you tilted your head "what do you mean?" he blushed and said "ever since my wife left i thought those feelings were dead but somehow in just 1 day youve made me feel them again" you were silent because you didnt know what to say. "wow i... i did that?" he nodded and you blushed. you scooted closer to him and he blushed. you then both focused on the hockey movie on the tv in front of you enjoying each others warmth. you were glad you had a built in warmth generator otherwise it would probably feel like hugging plastic to todd. but you were glad that you could feel like a real human to todd. i mean you must have felt that way already if he felt this way now? you must have been human enough for todd. maybe he didnt care if you felt warm when you hugged him but you were still glad you could because you didnt want him to be uncomfortable. but at least he wasnt uncomfortable hugging you because he liked you. you were also glad you could feel warm while he hugged you so he could feel warm because you felt warm. but regardless you were glad he could feel warm.

eventually the movie ended but neither of you made to move away from each other. the tv powered off from auto sleep and the room became dark. you blushed and snuggled closer to todd finding yourself falling asleep. you quickly fell asleep against him comfortable.

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