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todd pov

i turned to flip the eggs to hide my face getting hot at the thought of why i got drunk last night the real reason was that i wanted to forget about these feelings i had started feeling for ash there was no way i could tell her that of course she would probably think i was ridiculous but then again wasnt the point of an android to fulfill your needs no matter what those needs were, what if i just told ash that i needed someone in my life to rely on and to love and to try and be a better person with but i knew deep down i couldnt do that or say that to her i no longer thought of her as just a robot, or a machine she was a living being a living being i had feelings for and now i had to live with those feelings because i sure as hell wasnt getting rid of her because of it either i had to get over it or tell her and telling her could result in multiple endings either she feels the same and we go from there or she doesnt and i return her to cyberlife out of embarrassment but the odds of her feeling the same were at about 0 because how could she like me after i nearly killed her last night i was terrified i would have killed her if those 2 cops didnt knock on my door in that moment when i get like that i just cant stop and thank god those cops believed what i had said about us just fooling around or did they, were they on their way to arrest me now, i didnt mean to do it, i really didnt, i wasnt a bad guy i just made a mistake that was all i could move past it i knew i could i used to be a bad guy but that wasnt me anymore i had changed i wasnt perfect yet but who was, the eggs were done now so i scooped them up with the spatula and dropped them onto the plates just then the toast popped out of the toaster so i plucked them out of the slots and dropped them onto the plates, too then i handed ash one of the plates and smiled "here you go" she smiled back and took the plate "thank you" she went over to the kitchen table and sat down on one end i took my own plate and sat down on the other end she ate one piece of bacon with her fork and nodded "its really good" "thanks" i replied, also eating some bacon "i havent cooked in a while not since" i trailed off she paused i expected her to question me about what i meant but to my surprise she asked about something completely different, last nigh "why did you do it" she asked i sighed and leaned back in my chair "i need to get rid of all the alcohol in the house" i said randomly inspired "that way i wont get drunk and hurt you again" she nodded "you scared me last night todd" i sighed again "i know and im sorry i just got so" she leaned forward eagerly waiting for me to finish my sentence but i never did, she frowned "i already said its ok just dont do it again i still like you" my heart skipped a beat and i couldnt help but ask, "what do you mean by that" she visibly blushed and looked away "nothing" i smiled and crossed my arms "let me make it up to you later" she tilted her head, "what do you mean youve already made up for it" she gestured to the table i shook my head "no i mean something else why dont we watch a movie later your choice" her LED flashed yellow "but i dont exactly know what i want im not supposed to feel that way" i shook my head sighed "no no you are supposed to feel this way i want you to" she sighed "oh then maybe i can do that for you" she smiled i smiled too maybe there was still hope this could work out after all i suddenly gasped "how is your back" she smiled a little and waved her hand "im fine i took care of it after you went to bed last night" i sighed in relief "thank god" then we continued to eat our breakfast then i got a little curious "so if you have an eating function where does the food go after you eat it" then i blushed realizing what my question implied she blushed a little too and said "i have a compartment on my stomach that i can open and take the food out to dispose of elsewhere" "oh" i said "interesting." 

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