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your pov

you opened your eyes to see light filling the room, you must have fallen into rest mode at some point after being inactive. that meant something must have woken you up to bring you out of rest mode. another sound from the kitchen proved this claim, and you sat up, relieved to find that your back hurt much less than last night. you stood up fully and the sound from the kitchen sounded like plates hitting together. the air also smelled really good. like bacon. you entered the kitchen to see todd standing over the stove, cooking some bacon on a pan, the grease sizzling and popping inside. he didnt notice you at first, he was too occupied with using a pair of tongs to transfer the bacon onto 2 plates he had laid out, then he focused on another pan, this one had eggs in it. he turned to grab a spatula from the drying rack next to the sink and only then did he see you. he froze for a minute and then cleared his throat. "good morning." he said. you gave a small smile and also said "good morning." he frowned and looked away, clearly embarrassed over something. "i... wanted to make it up to you. from last night." he explained. "i know your model has an eating function built into it, so i thought maybe this would be ok." you smiled and said "its great todd." he smiled too and you just looked at him for a minute and he looked back at you before he coughed suddenly and broke eye contact. "look," he said, "im really sorry about last night. i swore to myself i wouldnt drink like that again because i know how i get but i did it anyway and im really sorry. i drink a lot when i get stressed and confused because i want to find ways to deal with what im thinking but drinking is not a good way to deal with it and i need to find a better way." he stopped when you moved forward to embrace him. he didnt move at first but then hugged you back. you said, "why did you have to drink anyway? you said you only drink when youre confused and need to find a way to deal with what youre thinking. so what were you thinking or feeling?" he stopped and stepped back, releasing the hug, and turned to focus once more on the breakfast he was making, he flipped the eggs. "i just uh. needed to clear my head of. a lot of different things. you know?" you nodded slightly and watched him flip the eggs. "sure." you agreed though you werent sure you actually understood what he meant.

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