آغازِ-عشق| Beginning of Love

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Silence. Eerie silence. Silence that screams. Silence that cut through the invisible veil and cut his chest open. Silence that suffocates him and silence that leave nothing sane in him. Dilawar hated this silence. He loathe this silence as he glared at nothing particular while the ward boy lead him towards the ice locker where his sister was kept since last....Twenty years.

Ankara, the capital city of turkey was the place Dilawar palestinian mother met a turkish man, a small hotel's owner with a home solely his on his name and nothing else. Ankara, the beautiful place where he was born. Ankara, the place where he lost his everything to his mistakes and ankara, that he hated and feared

"Burada ünlü. son yirmi yıldan beri kimse gelmedi. eski bir kız." Spoke the boy, scaring dilawar even more with the language he was barely familiar with.

[It's famous here. No one has come since the last twenty years. an old girl.]

Gulping, he mentally cuss himself for leaving ayesha outside with zartaasha. "onun ağabeyiyim" he spoke while gritting his teeth and controlling his tears. Since the moment he met ayesha, he has been showing his weak side alot.

[I am her older brother]

The ward boy glared at dilawar with hatred "onu yirmi yıl boyunca mı bıraktın? o senin tarafından sevilmedi mi?"

[You left her for twenty years? Wasn't she loved by you?]

Dilawar nodded as no continuesly. "onu seviyorum. korkmuştum. aile meselesi" humming at dilawar, the ward boy finally opened the small locker and dragged out a wheeled bed, with a body covered in white cloth.

[I love her. I was scared. family matter]

Dilawar gulped and closed his eyes, his mind chanting many many surah he could remember at that time "İşte burada" the ward boy smiled at him and pat dilawar back, he opened his eyes, he immediately stepped back as the stenching smell and the body— skeleton of his sister was shown to him.

[Here it is]

His heart thumped wildly and he immediately turned around, as if he would look at it more, he would vomit. The body barely had any skin or flesh on it, with small pieces of skin digged in the bones, the skeleton even lacked hair! Nothing he could remember his sister to be.

"lütfen onu mezarlığa gömün, cenazeye ben ve eşim katılacağız" dilawar voice shivered as he spoke, his eyes filled with tears and he left the room. His feet heavy and his heart hurting for the girl back there. He immediately spotted his wife and daughter giggling inside the garden, his feet took him to them.

[Please bury her in the cemetery, my wife and I will attend the funeral."]

His heart pulled him to them and his soulder felt a little burden less, as he saw the same ward boy moving the stretcher across the hallway. His eyes met ayesha and the warm smile she flashed him, he couldn't help the praises of his God for giving him everything in his life. For the shoulder of his wife and small arms of his daughter, he immediately felt at peace when the small body of his zartaasha hugged him, she cooed in his ear, unknowingly comforting him more than words.

With her hand inside dilawar, ayesha once again blinked the eyes of patience to him. The cemetery was even more silent, the ward boy along with two more man lowered the cloth covered body of his sister to the ground, placing her in her last home.
The more they would placed the clay over the body, the more the memories of that night and his sister would leave his mind. The more she was covered the more he would pray for her, the more they would place the wood as last shield the more it would feel free.

He looked at the sky, his lips in smile after century as he imagined his siter, flying towards the white palace with his parents, with the white and big wings on her back. They all prayed her fathiah and he felt her disappearing. Dilawar searched around the sky, he looked at the cemetery and saw the ward boy leaving, with the grave at their feet, he tried looking around the cemetery but all there was..... a peaceful silence! He gulped. She left. She's free. He's free.

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