"Wow okay. I see you" I said. She laughs.

"Bye Leah.." she says softly.

"Bye. It was nice seeing you again" I said. She then gets close to me and touches my face. Then she smiles at me and then looks down at my lips and plants her lips on mine, kissing me for a second or two. Then she pulls back.

"Same with you." She says. I didn't say anything. She just backs up and then opens her door. Then she gets out and turns to me and waves. Then she closes the door and I waited til she got in the building before leaving.

I'll never get tired of watching her walk away. Even though I hate seeing her leave.


Jens pov

It's been three weeks since I've seen Leah in person. I'm missing her which is so crazy. We've been texting but at a good pace. Not too much, not too little. But now that I know we're trying to work things out, I just...miss her.

But me and Leah aren't a label right now..right? Me and her are slowly working on us but obviously I don't know how this actually works. We've been flirting a little too. It's making me feel happier than I have been after we broke up just talking to her.

The only problem now is that I have Maya I'm dealing with. She's not crazy like the other girl I messed with before I met Leah. But she obviously knows Leah. Any ways, I endedup messing around again with Maya for a night last week. I don't know why. I'm not mad at her for working me up that night but I'm mad I let myself when I know I'm trying to get back with Leah basically. But I mean it's not cheating since we're not together yet. But we kissed in New York?! Ugh. I don't know. What I do know is that I ended everything with Maya after that night cause I just felt pure regret. And I never feel regret. But after that New York trip..I don't know. Maya already could tell that I'd somehow get back with Leah too ever since she found out I saw Leah that other time.

But whatever.


She's always been such a lover.

This morning I had received some flowers that got delivered that she ordered to be sent to me. She knows I love flowers. And she put a little note.

"Surprise! Your favorite flowers to make the house smell beautiful. Hope you like them. Well I know you will lol. Have a beautiful day. Miss you - Leah R."

As I read that I smiled to myself earlier like a weirdo. I even texted her after. That corny shit made me miss her.

Anyways, let's fast forward to the next week.

Me and Tyler went out to shop for fun. Not too crazy but I just got whatever I saw that appealed me. Some basic tips, new jeans, earrings and a new leather jacket. Then of course we stopped by to grab some food but we took it to go so we can eat back at his house since we had a bunch of shopping bags.

"Does your new security know my car?" I asked as we passed by to get onto his driveway. "Yours and your old car that Leah has in New York. You know..in case you guys fall in love again and she decides to move back here and we see her car here for like..I don't know...the after party after your wedding with her or some shit" he shrugs. I started to laugh and slapped his arm. "You thought too much about that didn't you?" I asked. "Just a little."

"Tyler give us time. We are taking it slow."

"I know. I'm just explaining!"

We then got out of the car and went in the house to eat and chill.

"You know what you should do with Leah?" He asks as he chews his food and scrolls through the tV guide.

"Have sex?"

"Yeah but also, go on a trip together. Just you two. It might help rejuvenate everything and see how you two are alone. In private."

"I'm just gonna end up having sex with her"

"That's good! But take it down a notch. No sex yet. Just vibes"

I raise my brows and took a bite of my food but didn't respond. Then I grabbed my phone and scrolled through our last text between me and Leah. Then I showed it to him.

"You think we won't have sex by the way we talk?" I asked. He started to laugh. "I believe in you Jen. If you really want things to work out with her then just don't have sex yet with her. Don't even have a sneaky link with her. Just don't"

"Why? Why can't I Tyler?"

"Cause! Okay I know you guys have something for each other and I know from what you have told me that the sex is good but that's what kept you two together towards the end before. You guys fell in love with the sex. Put more time into just being together. I know you said the angry sex mess was great but your mental health matters. You can't just have sex with her and be angry at her. I know obviously that was back then and you guys are working it out now but act as if it's a new start. You guys know each other well but just pretend it's your second chance at life. What would you change about it?"

He's right. He has me thinking and I know he knows me so well. And obviously I don't have to take every single advice from him, but he's so right about this one.

"I guesssss" I said.

"You're a fucking addict Jennifer. You broke it off with Maya right?"

"I did"

"Good. I don't think Leah has messed around with anyone since you guys broke up. Try to be like her" he says.

If Leah hasn't then she's so loyal for that plus she's been too busy to even deal with another bitch except me so.. hehe.

I kinda do regret having Maya as my sneaky link while me and Leah split but at the same time I don't. I had some fun. It's not like I cheated.

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