Only One Can Remain (Part 1)

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-implied childhood abuse
-implied child neglect

Splitting this into 2 parts because it's super long


Pepper found herself holding Lloyd's gi as they walked off the ship. He gave her a look but decided not to pry. He turned his attention to his father instead.

"How do you know Chen?" He asked.

Garmadon opened his mouth before Kai shoved the group away. Skylor walked past, shooting him a smile. She and Pepper made eye contact again. Skylor's face contorted into a frown while Pepper glared. No one seemed to notice their silent exchange.

The team gave Kai a look. He looked at them with a stupid grin on his face.


Garmadon sighed. He continued to answer his son's question by pulling down his shirt to reveal a large purple snake tattoo. Pepper held her breath as they looked at it.

"Chen used to be my sensei."

"You had a sensei?!" Lloyd asked. Garmadon shushed him as they started walking into the palace.

"He used to be a friend," his father explained. "Now he's a traitor. During the Serpentine Wars, he decided to side with the filthy snakes."

Pepper wasn't surprised. Her father told her and her sister the story of how he reunited the Serpentine tribes many times. She couldn't remember the last time he ever told them a real bedtime story. Skylor had to sing her a song or tell her own story to get Pepper to fall asleep.

"He tried using trickery to divide the Masters," he explained. "Luckily, he failed in the end. As punishment, he was to never leave this island again. But...we didn't know he would still have access to build his criminal empire from inside."

Pepper's palms were sweaty. Her throat went dry and her heart started hammering in her skull as they walked through the gates and towards the palace. She avoided eye contact with all of the cultists in the crowd. There seemed to be double the amount of people since she had run away.

"Chen lives like a king," Garmadon growled. "It doesn't help that he has the most loyal followers of any kingpin. There will be eyes in every corner of the island watching you."

Everyone sat in a circle surrounding a gold snake symbol on the carpet. Pepper sat between Lloyd and Amethyst. Her best friend continued asking more questions to his father.

"Hey," Amethyst nudged the girl. Pepper looked at her. Her skin was much clearer and smoother than Cole's and her eyes basically sparkled in the light.

"You okay?" She asked. Despite only knowing her for a few hours, it was clear she cared a lot about her wellbeing. It was sweet. She reminded Pepper of a certain someone in an orange hoodie.

The girl huffed. "I'm fine. Thank you."

Amethyst smiled softly. The two jumped at the sound of a gong.

"All rise," Clouse boomed. "For Master Chen."

Pepper's breath hitched. Everyone stood as a large throne descended from some sort of pulley system. Pepper picked at her cuticles and bit her lips. Her heart continued beating, the volume growing so loud she was certain at least someone could hear it too.

The throne turned around. Chen sat with an Anacondrai skull sat atop his head, a purple and red gown, and makeup reminiscent of the same tribe whose skull he wore.

He looked just like how Pepper left him.

"Welcome everyone," he grinned. "To the Tournament of Elements!"

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