The Art of Sibling Hood|| C.Leclerc

847 6 0

Driver: Charles Leclerc

Warnings: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort

*This is a request for a user, hope you enjoy


Summer break offers us a sliver of peace.

No teams are calling, no coaches screaming, no clients to take care of - there is nothing but family. For a few weeks out of the year, all we have is each other. I can't ask for anything better.

We all gather at our mother's house, hiding away there with her. It's nice, to all be under the same roof again, we haven't been since Lorenzo first moved out. It only worsened when I decided to take my training to France. 16 years of living under one roof was gone in an instant. We had lived together our entire lives until that point.

It was like losing a piece of myself.

But then, after the sadness rolled away, I was filled with so much joy. To know that both Charles and Arthur were chasing their dream, to see them every weekend battling it out on the track. Though my mother refused to watch, I always did.

But there is always more I want to know, more I want to see. I can't help myself from asking questions. The countries they see, the people they meet - it's a world I'll never know. I almost got involved, my father put me in karting as a child, but it was never my passion. Not the way it was with Arthur and Charles. I found my calling in school.

At six, I was sitting among my classmates in the gymnasium, watching as our instructor introduced the sport of fencing. He was trying to start a club, with a school as small as ours, it wasn't very likely to happen.

He brandished the swords, explaining the rules. My friend, Anies, had fallen asleep on my shoulder, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. I was transfixed, hooked. That day, I ran home, with the club papers in my hand and begged my parents.

At first, Papa was hesitant, telling me that this sport was a fighting spot - I wasn't a 'fighting girl'. But I pleaded, hooking my arms around his neck and staring up at him. This was my dream. Fencing was racing to me. Fencing was everything.

What I didn't understand was that fencing was also incredibly expensive. With two children karting and one in fencing, I remember the night I caught Mum and Papa talking it over, they couldn't afford it.

I was lucky enough to be given a scholarship by a fencing club, I would have the funding to chase my dream. Arthur, however, was not so lucky. I remember how he cried, screaming and howling into his pillow. He mourned the loss of his sport, but he was never angry. Just sad.

I shake off the memories when Charles calls my name.


He looks at me, staring at me from his seat on the floor, arms holding his knees close to him. He and Arthur are playing some card game they explained more than once - but I have never cared to learn. Arthur glares at the cards below him, flipping them over in his hand.

He laughs, "I asked how training was going?"

"Good," I burrow further into the couch, pulling a blanket across my shoulders, "When I go back, I have a tournament in Italy."

"Well," Arthur huffs, still fixed on the game, "You're already a World Champion - Ugh! Charles, you're cheating! This is why I hate playing with you!"

Charles throws his hands up, turning to Arthur with an indignant expression, "I am not a cheater. I am a man of honor, you just suck."

With a curse, Arthur throws his cards down.

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