almost|| C.Sainz Jr.

655 4 1

Driver: Carlos Sainz Jr. 

Warnings: Arranged marriage, mafia! boss Carlos, some comfort, some fluff


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Carlos."

She was beautiful, Carlos couldn't deny it.

Rising from the couch, extending a hand, the delicate bracelets lining her wrist glimmering underneath the chandelier's light. Her hair was swept away from her face, falling behind her ears and framing the curve of her cheeks. The color of her lips, the dip of her cupid's bow, his name rolling off her tongue - she was breathtaking.

Bianca told him she would be, droning off a long list of her accomplishments and background to him on the drive over. Most of her information consisted of the family she was born from, detailing their history and future deals. Though the Sainz family had no debts to be paid, they had plenty of favors to reap.

'A beautiful woman of good breeding,' was what his father demanded he be given.

And here she was.

Staring up at him, the subtle curl of her eyelashes, a polite smile.

The guilt tugged at him.

"The pleasure is mine alone," He murmured, pressing a kiss to her skin.

He felt her tremble.

Though her fear was well hidden, Carlos had lived in this world long enough. A world that knew only to take, swallowing the weak and destroying the beautiful. Blood dripping from his hands before he could kill, damnation carved into his soul, Carlos has always known who he was to become.

The shadow he was to step into. The role he was to fill.

But never did he imagine dragging an innocent soul to hell with him.

"Please!" Her father beamed at Carlos, gesturing to the space beside his daughter, "You must sit, you are our guest!"

With a nod, popping open the button of his suit, he sat beside her. She turned her gaze away from him, folding her hands in her lap. Carlos tried not to stare, he could only imagine the anger she felt. The betrayal.

He nearly destroyed his office when his father delivered the order. To secure his place as head of the family, and to remove any question of their family legacy, he was to marry. Take the hand of a stranger, bind them to him for eternity.

"We are honored that you have selected our family, Mr. Sainz," The Father continued, shooting Carlos a wide smile.

"I am honored to have been entrusted with your daughter," Anger bubbled beneath his skin.

He wasn't sure what this family was thinking, he didn't want to know, they were sentencing their child to a life of misery.

"Of course!" His voice boomed in the small reception room, banging against the vaulted ceilings, knocking into the paintings that stood witness, "Our families have worked beside each other for many generations, this will make us stronger."

Voice caught in his throat, Carlos could only muster a curt nod.

"Well? What are we waiting for?"

Carlos was drowning.

He had been a fool, clinging to childish dreams, losing himself within fantasies of hope. Filling his head with dreams of loving and being loved, cherishing and being cherished. He had been wrong.

This world only took.

Carlos gestured over his shoulder, one of his men stepping forward to place a small velvet box in his waiting hand. Though it weighed nearly nothing, Carlos felt as if he might fall through the Earth, the jewel within burning his palm.

He was drowning.

Standing at the edge of a precipice, a scream trapped in his throat. Emotions racked within him, there was nowhere for him to go, no one to understand. He was alone. The world shifted beneath his feet, cracking and crumbling under the weight of his fate.

He could hardly breathe.

He could -

She turned toward him, offering her hand once more.

Carlos met her eyes, unsure of what to say. Unsure of what to do.

The world was watching them. History was watching them.

"This is your destiny, Carlito, your birthright."

The box fell open with a simple click, revealing the familial ring he'd been given. A blood-red gem glared at him, the gleam of the thick golden band blinding him. Reaching for her, he saw as she flinched away. The smallest thing.

Small enough to miss.

Carlos looked back at her, but she wasn't staring at him, her eyes locked upon his movements. He wasn't sure she was breathing, her pulse jumping against his fingertips.

"You cannot run from it."

With a sharp breath, he slipped the ring onto her finger.

"The House will always find you."

It was done.

Her lip began to quiver, tears pooling in her eyes.

She was the only one to understand, to know the feeling of dread. Any chance of loving another had been ripped from her, but perhaps it didn't have to be.

He laced their fingers together, blocking the eyesore sitting upon her hand. She gasped beside him, clinging to his side.

"Carlos -"

He shot her a weary smile, gently lifting her hand to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss to her knuckles, "Mi amour."

The color of her cheeks darkened, a shocked expression on her beautiful face.

"I will do my best," He whispered.

Try to love. Try to be loved.

The softest quirk of her lips, "I will too," She squeezed, "Together?"

Try to cherish. Try to be cherished.

"Of course."

It wasn't quite an 'I love you', but Carlos supposes it was the closest he could expect.

An almost. 

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