The Wind-Chimes We Hear|| C.Leclerc

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Driver: Charles Leclerc, Leclerc Brothers

Warnings: Light angst, comfort, Sister!Reader, family fic


There was the green field, littered with dandelions and daisies swaying in the wind. Sunlight drenched the stems, rolling over the grass, kissing my skin. The twinkle of our grandmother's windchimes, clinking together. The scent of the sea, the taste of salt dancing high above the air.

I could hear my brothers laughing, pushing each other, shoving the other into the dirt. The sound of our mother scolding them, my father's bellowing laughter. They called my name, pulling at my hands. They didn't understand why I was so small, why I couldn't run like them.

I didn't get it either.

They call my name again.

It sounds fainter.

The sun goes cold, and the grass stops dancing. My father's face distorts, fading into nothingness.


There's a hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me. My eyes blink open.

There's a woman smiling down at me, her red lips showing a dazzling set of pearly white teeth, "We'll be landing soon."

I nod, trying to suppress the yawn that grows in my chest. My headphones have slipped to my temple, and with a groan, I push them back. The cabin light is far too bright, I pull my hood further over my head.

What a strange dream.

We spent the entire summer with my grandmother. We ran around her spacious backyard, and we loved it. Sitting around her stained glass table, staring up at the colors as they shimmered in the light of morning. We were kids then.

The city is nothing more than a spec outside the window. Surrounded by the glimmering sea, clouds making it seem impossibly far. Home.


Catching a car was more difficult than I expected. Normally, my mother was more than happy to pick me up - or she would've sent one of my brothers - but we were all coming in at different times. I didn't want to burden her.

Summer break was a glorious time. I always managed to snag a few days free of practice, I would always dread going back, but I would never sacrifice it for anything. My brothers were always happy to be home, hiding out at our mother's house before telling anyone they were home.

Our lives pulled us in different directions, but we always found our way home when Monaco came calling. I looked out onto the streets, cars buzzing past, and people bustling on the streets. This country bore us, we loved it. We would always come back.

The car ride is short and before I know it, I'm standing at the steps of our home. The door swings open before I can knock, my brothers staring back down at me, pulling me into the waiting house.

They wrap me in a hug, their arms tight around me. I breathe them in. The house around us seems to breathe with me. With all four of us between its walls, I feel the anxiety in my stomach uncoil. I hadn't realized how much I missed them. Emotion is tight in my throat but I force it down.

I would never hear the end of it if I cried.

"Little Miss Champion," Lorenzo brings a hand down on my hair, ruffling it.

I whine, pushing his hand away, "Lo! My hair..."

He chuckles, "I'm so sorry."

He doesn't sound sorry at all. I smile. This easy batter has been missing, we've been missing. Being here with them feels like coming back to myself. I can hear the windchimes again.

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