i think you were drunk (you spelled wedding wrong)|| C. Sainz Jr.

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Driver: Carlos Sainz Jr.

Warnings: Hurt/no comfort, kid fic, fluff

****this was inspired by 'Why'd you invite me to your wedding' - Kevin Atwatter*******


Carlos hadn't seen the message until the next morning.

A message from a number he thought forgot about him. For a moment, he wondered if it could be true. If it was real.

"Hey! I'm sorry this is so out of the blue, I know it's been a while. I hope you're doing good, I watch your races so just know I'm always rooting for you. I miss being at the races with you, it was always so fun. I'm sorry it's been so long. But I wanted to invite you to my weddign, which will be next month. I've sent an invitation to your family, I hope that's alright. I wanted to invite you myself because I could not imagine that day without you. Let me know if you can make it, I know how busy you are. Love you."

Then, right under it, is a smaller bubble that reads:

"Text me back if you can. I miss you."

Carlos thinks he might be sick. He rereads the message, pulling his phone closer to his face. He can't stop himself from whispering her name. It's been years. This girl, his girl. His entire life, she's been there, since he was little. They were fast friends, but, of course, to Carlos, it was more than that.

To him, it was everything.


"Someone has a crush on Carlito!"

Her brothers were running around them, stomping across the grass. She groaned at them, they had moved twice - each time prompted by them coming around to pick at their sister. Carlos liked to giggle at it, he and Blanca weren't as rambunctious.

Carlos knew that they liked to pick on her, but would always stop the moment she began to cry. She was their baby sister after all.

"Shut up! I do not!"

Her face was a violent red, the blush spreading up to her ears. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, and puffing her cheeks. Her brothers come to pull at her hair, pinching at her sides. She whines for them to leave her alone and Carlos can only giggle.

He thinks about what they've said. A crush? On him? The thought alone makes his face go hot. That kind of thing, with moms and dads and kissing. He hadn't given it much thought.

Would it be so bad? Carlos didn't think so. He thought that if he did have to marry anyone, he'd like it to be her. She liked racing and played golf with him.

"Maybe Carlito has a crush on you!"


Carlos looked down at his lap. Did he? He pulls at the skin of his fingertips, his head full of thoughts. He shakes his head, trying to laugh it away, "No way!" He says.

It's easier like that.

When he looks over at her, she's staring straight at him, a smile on her face.

"We're best friends!" She declares, glaring over at her brothers, "Right?"

"Right!" Friends. If she wanted to be friends, Carlos thought that was perfect. "Best friends."

Because even friends could marry each other, right?


He spent the morning staring at his phone.

Carlos thought that perhaps it would go away, fade into nothingness, but it was still there, a blue bubble glaring right at him. He had spent hours rereading it, so much so that he was sure he could recite it from memory.

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