Soonbin's Backstory

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Soonbin's pov

Hello, my name is Choi Soobin, yes I've been living my life hardly since the day I haven't met Nayeon when I was just 12 years old.

When I turned 13, Nayeon came into my life, she made me so happy that I forgot about my cold shoulder now. We we're bestfriends for 5 whole years, until one day when we were 18 years old, she dropped me about that fake rumour.

The last words she said to me, was about Yeonjun, she said to me that I was backstabbing her when I clearly wasn't. So, of course, I would forget about her, even Yeonjun.

Yeonjun ruined Nayeon's life, telling her something FAKE WORDS that she's not supposed to believe, words like "backstab", "dropping", "leftout", and etc. Of course, I had to drop Yeonjun for that.

After that incident, I decided to try and get back to Nayeon, but eventually, I gave up, she won't believe me. So I just let her drop me out.

Its hard and I was living lonely. When I turned 22, Hyunjin and I became friends but his sense of humour was not the same as me unlike Nayeon. He's a pervert, but I didn't want to live all lonely in my whole life, so I accepted as his friend.

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