The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 1

Start from the beginning

Later Mikey prepares breakfast, Tasneem was cleaning the dishes not seeing smoke rises from the toaster. April steps out of her bedroom and yawns. "I really do have turtles and a rat sleeping in my living room. I thought I was just having a really bad dream." April said to herself then she sniffs the air. "Hey, what's burning?" April asks them. "Mikey's cooking." Jamey said to her while she was laying her head on Raph's lap. The toast pops up as Mikey breaks the yolks on the eggs he's frying. "Oh." Tasneem hears Mikey making her look at him seeing that he has breaks the yolks. "Hey, scrambled's okay with everybody, right?" Mikey asks them.


Everyone said at the same thing making Tasneem rub Mikey's shell a little. "Hey, guys, where's Jesse and Leo?" Cheyenne asks them while Donnie switches on the television and then walks to the window as they hear a clap of thunder. "They is engaged in his morning exercises." Splinter said to her. "If they doesn't get back soon, they gonna get soaked. That sky's looking angry." Donnie said to them.

Meanwhile, Jesse was pulling up Leo onto a roof and the two tries to catch their breath. The two goes down on their hands and knees, still breathing hard. "Why are they coming after us?" Jesse asks Leo who looks at her. "I don't know, they must be planning something." Leo said to her then the Foot ninjas was infront of them. The two turtles stands and steps back, then stops when they realizes they were on the edge of the roof. Leo pulls his second katana while Jesse opens up her fans. Leo and Jesse jumped forward as The Foot rushed at them. Leo starts to bounce off the tops of the Foot ninjas' heads as Jesse flips two of them, grabbing the ends of their masks and tossing them over her shoulders. Then Jesse and Leo stand shell to shell then they take down the last ninjas until they were down and groaning. "Is this victory for us?" Jesse asks Leo who catches movement from behind them. "No." Leo said to her making Jesse and Leo turn to see more Foot ninja on a nearby rooftop then lightning and then rain begins to fall. "Leo." Jesse said making Leo look around to see Foot ninja lining several rooftops across from them. "You feeling like keeping score?" Jesse asks Leo who smiles a little. "Sure and if I win we go on a date." Leo said to her making Jesse look at him. "Oh, is that how you want to ask me?" Jesse asks him. "Maybe." Leo said to her with smirk making Jesse laugh a little. "I may take that deal." Jesse said to him with a smile.

Back at the apartment, a plate twirls through the air like a Frisbee, and Raph was catching it. "Got it." Raph said as he sets the plate on the table. "Next." Raph said as April steps out of the bathroom to have plates whiz past her face. "Aah, no!" April yelled when she sees what the two were doing. "One more. Up high!" Mikey yelled as he throws other one.  "Not the China!" April yelled at them then there was a crash. "Oops." Tasneem said seeing the broken China on the floor. "Why should today be any different?" April asks herself. "Kids." Splinter said from behind a newspaper. "Sorry, April." Mikey said to her. "Yeah, really. Um, you got any glue?" Raph asks her. "Don't sweat it. I realize it's tough for six, uh, people to share a one-person apartment." April said to them as she sits at the table with Donnie, Cheyenne and Jamey. "We'll be out of your way as soon as we can." Cheyenne said to April. "Don't get me wrong, I love you guys, I really do. It's just, my place is too small." April said to them as Splinter sits by the table. "We will leave as soon as the Foot ninja are gone from the tunnels surrounding our lair." Splinter said to her as Mikey approaches the table where everyone is seated. He has a plate balanced on his head, two in his hands along with a bottle of jam, and two plates balanced on his shoulders. "Um, can I help you with that very delicate China, Mikey?" April asks him. "I got it, thanks. Hyah!" Mikey said then he throws everything into the air and April shrieks and covers her eyes. When she peeks through her fingers, she discovers that everything is on the table and undamaged, Mikey chuckles. "Ninja training." Mikey said then he sits down next to Tasneem. "Mm-mmm." Mikey hums and he proceeds to dig in, eating sloppily as Tasneem and Cheyenne stare at him. "Say what you like about Mikey, the guy knows how to scramble an egg." Raph said to them as he begins to shovel food into his mouth then April turns to Splinter. "So, one would think that table manners were a part of their training?" April asks Splinter. "One would think." Splinter said to her while the three sisters were eating properly. "Shouldn't Leo and Jesse have been back by now?" Mikey asks them. "Hey, of the eight of us, Leo and Jesse are the two turtle you never have to worry about." Jamey said to him. "She is right, the two of them are a team by themselves." Raph said to them.

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