Kirby leaps out of the other side of the portal which was high up in the air but Cheyenne catches him. "Gotcha! That last step's a doozy, huh?" Cheyenne said to him as she sits Kirby down. "Good catch, Cheye. Thanks." Kirby said to her. "No prob, Kirby." Cheyenne said to him while Donnie walks over to her. "One question, though. What is this place?" Donnie asks Kirby as the three look around at a colorful world, a sky filled with odd looking planets, and an elevated city. "It's like some sort of alternate reality. A different dimension. It's incredible." Cheyenne said to Donnie. "An it all looks familiar, too familiar." Kirby said to them. "What do you mean?" Donnie asks him. "Look, I drew it." Kirby said to them as he opens his sketchbook. "I drew it all." Kirby said to them while Cheyenne and Donnie see the draws of a city and of strange creatures in the sketchbook. Donnie hears an odd noise and looks up. "Guys, check out that weirdo." Donnie said to them making Cheyenne and Kirby look up to see a creature carrying a weapon walks along a hill. "It looks like one of those monsters out of your notebook." Donnie said to Kirby. "It is. I remember drawing that one." Kirby said to them. "It's ignoring us." Cheyenne said to them as it walks away from them. "Come on!" Kirby said to them.

The three run up the hill and look into the valley which leads to the elevated city. Below them are dozens of creatures, the Black Horde, racing for the bridge into the city. "Whoa! Looks like someone's in store for a monster-size beat-down." Donnie said to them. Standing in front of the bridge are four strangely garbed humanoid warriors. The red-haired warrior is their leader. "Brace yourselves!" The Red-haired Warrior yelled. "Those creatures are gonna rip those guys apart." Kirby said to them as the warriors engage the creatures in battle, putting up a good fight. Sheer numbers are against them. "You shall not pass!" Blue-haired Warrior yelled and he throws his battle hammer at a creature. The creature hits the hammer with its fist and there's an explosion. When the smoke clears, the warriors are sprawled on the ground, along with a few creatures as the other creatures cheer. "We gotta do something!" Kirby said to Donnie and Cheyenne. "Stay here! We are on it." Donnie said to him as he and Cheyenne pull out their bo.  Cheyenne and Donnie charges while the creatures advance on the bridge as the warriors groggily start to rise. "Coming through! Hyah!" Donnie yelled as he and Cheyenne leaps over to them and the two takes down several creatures at once. 

When Donnie strikes one of the creatures in the legs, causing it to fall to the ground, Cheyenne strikes it with her bo. "We make a great team." Donnie said to Cheyenne while standing next to her. "You saying with the others we not a good team?" Cheyenne asks him while she uses her bo to strike a beast in the face. "No, but make a good team just the two of us." Donnie said to her then grabs her hand, he moves her out of the path of an impending attack before kicking creature away. Then Cheyenne and Donnie leaps over to the warriors making the group of creatures charge as the warriors rise up to meet them. "To arms!" The Blue-haired Warrior yelled and the shout a battle cry and rush past Donnie and Cheyenne. Donnie grins then he joins them while Cheyenne as the five take out a large group of creatures making the rest of the creatures flee. 

Kirby races down the hill while Cheyenne walks over to Donnie. "I came, I saw, I kicked monster butt!" Donnie yelled with a smile. "Don't tell Raph he may want to one up you." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie laugh a little. "Wow, you two got some moves! I've never seen anything like that. Except maybe in the comics." Kirby said to them. "Or the movies and cartoons." Cheyenne said to him. "Hail to you, strangers." Red-haired Warrior said as the warriors walk over to them. "Um, hi. I mean, hail." Donnie said to him. "You are welcome here. We few are all that stand against the darkness. The creatures which you helped us defeat. We owe you our gratitude. But we must prepare. They will return." Red-haired Warrior said to them. "They can bring it on. I was just getting warmed up." Donnie said to them making Cheyenne look at him. "They will be back in greater numbers. More than we can possibly defend against. And when they come in force, we may lose the bridge. And, with it, our city. I cannot bear to think of the dark powers destroying our wondrous city. Our loved ones, our families. Those monsters, they will destroy everything." Red-haired Warrior said to them. "We won't let that happen." Cheyenne said to him. "We'll do whatever we can to stop them." Kirby said to them. "Sire, here they come! Thousands of them!" Blue-haired Warrior yelled making the group look over the hill comes a swarm of creatures making Cheyenne, Kirby and Donatello gasp at the sheer numbers. "We must defend the entrance to the bridge! Even if it costs us our lives!" Red-haired Warrior said to them. "Let's do it!" Donnie yelled as the creatures draw closer. "Kirby, you draw all of those?" Cheyenne asks Kirby. "Yeah, I have a habit of drawing a lot." Kirby said to her. "Did you have to be so prolific? Couldn't you have drawn less? Or maybe some more friendly guys?" Donnie asks him. "Heck, how was I supposed to know they'd all come alive and attack us?" Kirby asks him. "He has a point." Cheyenne said to Donnie. "We must not let them across the bridge!" Red-haired Warrior yelled. 

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