Notes from the Underground, Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Don't think I didn't see that Donny, It WAS upside-down." Mikey said to Donnie. "Its overloading." Quarry said to them while Tasneem looks back at the other monsters to see they were leaving. "They're leaving." Tasneem said to them making Quarry turn to see the monsters going back into the tunnels. "But tomorrow they'll be back, they always come back." Quarry said to them. "Then you beta have a bigger crystal." Jesse said to them. "We will not survive another journey to the forbidden-zone." Quarry said to her. "What makes the place so forbidden?" Mikey asks him. "The ancient catacombs stretch for miles, we were forced to explore it, many of us never returned." Quarry said to them. "Ah, maybe they got lost?" Tasneem asks Quarry. "They were taken by a ghostly entity, there is never any sign of a struggle, they're just gone." Quarry said to them. "Look I understand why you don't want to go down there but are ain't a lot of options, you need another crystal and fast." Leo said to him. "And since we uh, we're the one who kinda fried your security system we'll go with ya, Right guys?" Raph asks them making everyone agreed then they look at Mikey. "You know the corner hardware store has a sale on generators that would really get this force-field humming, so I'll just go up top and clop the coupon and then..." Mikey said and was about to walk away but Tasneem grabs Micky's arm taking him with the others. "Oh..." Mikey yells as Tasneem pulls him back.

The turtles and the monsters exit the lab and head deeper into the caves. Tasneem turns around to see Razorfist and Stonebitter were scared making her walk over to them. "It's going to be okay." Tasneem said to them while she pats Stonebiter and Razorfist's forehead. "Be brave." Tasneem said to them with a smile while Quarry watch them. "OK, lets keep our wits about us." Jesse said to the group. "Don't Worry Mikey, You can share my wits." Raph said to Mikey. "Oh so now I'm witless? Must by why the only one bothered by the fact were're heading into a place even monsters are afraid of!" Mikey yelled while Donnie gives Cheyenne a piggy back ride down the down a rocky slide. 

Suddenly the turtles roll down a rocky slide. "Shortcut? In what mutated imagination could that be considered a..." Mikey said as Quarry, Stonebiter, Razorfist climb the wall. "Oh sorry, we forgot you can't scale rock." Quarry said to them while Donnie makes sure Cheyenne was okay. "Let's try to avoid that mistake in the future OK?" Jamey said to them while the group stands up. "HO! Who cut the cheese?" Mikey asks them. "You're smelling a sulfur pool Mikey." Donnie said to him as he helps Cheyenne stands up. "Coming from a turtle who grew in a sewer trust me when I say this place sinks." Mikey said to him. "We must keep moving, the other wonder down here this is their territory." Quarry said to them as the turtles and the monster walk carefully on stepping stones over sulfur pool, a small mollusc emerges from a bubble in front of Leo then its grab by Quarry's tongue and swallowed. "Eww." Jesse said to him while Razorfist grabs Tasneem and places her on it's shoulder. "We learn to live off the land for it lives of us." Quarry said to them then Razorfist smashes through a wall then the monsters scale the wall, while the turtles traverse on the narrow ledge but Cheyenne who was holding onto Stonerbiter. "Ah!" Jesse yelled as her slips but Leo grabs her before she falls. "You okay?" Leo asks her. "Woo, that was a little too close for comfort." Jesse said to Leo who holds her hand. "Watch your footing guys." Leo said to them. They walk across a projecting ledge with a whirlpool under it. "This is it." Quarry said to the turtles while Donnie helps Cheyenne off Stonebiter then the monsters jump into the whirlpool first. "Following monsters off a cliff may not be the smartest thing we ever done." Leo said to them. "You will still do it." Jesse said to Leo who looks at her as Jesse jumps into whirlpool. "Man, why don't you marry the girl." Raph said to Leo who looks at him before the turtles jump into the whirlpool but Tasneem and Mikey. "This is the grossest, that looks like a giant toilet. Which I guess makes me tidy bull turtle." Mikey said to himself then he looks at Tasneem who was hugging herself. "Give me your hand." Mikey said to her making Tasneem look at him before taking his hand and the two jump in together. 

On the other side the whirlpool, Mikey and Tasneem falls down a waterfall and flows downstream rapidly and they sees the sharp crystal spikes. "Oh no!" Tasneem said to herself as the two try to swim away. "Current too strong, I'm gonna be turtle Skewered." Mikey said to Tasneem until Stonebiter grabs Mikey by the head and Razorfist grabs Tasneem and the two pulls them out the stream to safety. "Let go of his head stonebiter." Quarry said to Stonebiter who lets go of Mikey. "Do that again and I'll give ya a real taste of the turtle dude." Mikey said to Stonebiter making Tasneem hit Mikey's head. "Bad Mikey." Tasneem said to him. "How far away from the crystals are we?" Leo asks Quarry. "They're here in the catacombs but from this point on we must be very quiet." Quarry said to them and the group walks through the catacombs, the turtles see some pillars with familiar patterns.

"Hey Mikey and Tasneem recognize these carvings?" Cheyenne asks them while she uses her bo staff to help her walk. "Whoa." Tasneem said while looking at the rock walls. "These are just carvings in our lair." Mikey said to them. "Yeah, same interior decorator." Raph said to them. "I know who to go to if I want this for my home." Cheyenne said to them with a smile making Donnie smile at her while Quarry finds a big crystal in cavern wall. "Good this crystal will do, we nee-den travel any deeper into this evil place." Quarry said to them as he walks up to the crystal. Micky looks up at the ceiling and the Insectoid monster emerges. "Ah! wait up, GUYS GUYS GUYS, We got monsters right behind me, Ahhhhh!" Mikey screams as he runs past the group. "Everybody let's get to cover." Jesse said to them. "But that way leads to..." Quarry said to them as the group starts running. "No choice lets go." Leo said to him.

The turtles and the monsters come across a grey door, Razorfist tries to claw on through but to no avail then Stonebiter tries ram it down but still doesn't make dent, then Quarry tries scratching then uses its acid spray that even doesn't do. "Hmm." Cheyenne hums to herself as she looks at the crystal shaped-hole at the right side. "Stand back." Cheyenne said to them as she takes the crystal from Donnie and she walks over to the slot in the wall. "Please work." Cheyenne said to herself as she places the crystal in the slot but nothing happen. "Ah nevermind." Cheyenne said to them. "Battle ready, guys." Jesse said to them as the turtles pull out their weapons. "You know I wonder?" Cheyenne asks herself and she  turns the crystal over and the it actives and the door opens. "Hey, guys it worked." Cheyenne said to them while Donnie walks over to her. Jesse and Leo turn to them and they see a glowing bola comes to Donnie and Cheyenne, spins around then just disappears in a flash.

Mikey -  Donny!

Tasneem - Cheye!

Leo - No!

Jesse - No!

Raph - Donnie!

Jamey - Cheyenne!

"They're gone." Tasneem said to them. "And in a couple of minutes we'll be goners too." Mikey said to them as the other monsters make their way of the tunnel and the group. "And here it ends." Quarry said them while the turtles look down the tunnel in disbelief and horror as the crazed monsters close in on them.

To Be Continued...

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