After so many years I know Bael it's the first time I saw him so vulnerable. He never talked about the past. He never mentioned his family. It was a forbidden conversation. Almost I got fooled by the sadness in his eyes. Even if I knew his words were true, there was something suspicious hanging in the air.

He took a step closer to me, two. We were standing close to each other. He looked deep into my eyes. With a gentle touch, he smoothed an unruly strand of hair behind my ear.

"The king probably wouldn't be happy to find you like this." an unknown figure came out of the shadows.

He was a soldier of the royal guard. His uniform gleamed in the firelight.

I drew a dagger at him. Bael stood in my way.

"It's okay, Dragomira," he told me. "That's Balmore."

"What is this, Bael?" I demanded an explanation.

"You spent a lot of time among people. You must have heard about—"

"That's Cassius' son." I realized before he said it.

It was visible on him. They looked alike. He wasn't Cassius. Not at all. I have to admit that Cassius was more handsome and attractive. With what grandeur he walked. That look of his. The spark that glittered in his eyes. That mischievous smile that graces his lips when he thinks of something wicked. He was not his father. He had some of him in himself, but he wasn't Cassius.

"She's smart," Balmore said, piercing me with a glare.

"Why is he here and why is he wearing a royal guard uniform?" I asked.

"If you calm down, Dragomira, I'll explain everything to you," said Bael. "Put down that dagger at first."

I returned the dagger to its sheath, but still kept my hand on the hilt. I was ready to kill them both. I don't think Cassius would blame me for murdering his son and Bael if he's helping him. Maybe he would even thank me for it and let me live.

"You yourself know very well what Cassius is like. In those few days, you experienced his cruelty firsthand, and that's not the worst thing he can do at all. I had to handle him all my life," said Bael. "He has been sitting on the throne for too long. His own people hate and fear him. You yourself saw how he destroyed this kingdom."

"He didn't know about the suffering of his people, so you can't blame him for that. Now he decided to fix it and help," I said.

"Don't defend him, Dragomira," Bael said. "He didn't know only because he didn't care."

"You don't have to lecture me on what he is like. I know very well," I said.

"That moment at the ball with him must have made you forget that," Bael said.

I laughed. He had no idea. "He set me on fire before the ball because I refused to wear the dress he picked out for me, so I assure you I didn't forget anything," I retorted.

"Are you okay?" Bael was horrified.

"I live. Obviously," I said irritably.

"Then you must know that my father is a monster and must be dethroned," said Balmore.

I took a step towards him. I pierced him with the same distrusting look that he pierced me with.

"And who will sit on it then? You?" I laughed. "Without Cassius acknowledging that you are of his blood then you are nothing but a common man. Even if you manage to get rid of Cassius, the lords will kill you before you take the crown."

"Dragomira." Bael's tone was warning, like he expected me to bite into Balmore's neck and kill him right then and there.

"How is it even possible that his mother made it out of the palace alive and how is it possible that you are helping him?" I asked Bael a question.

"I helped her out when I found out she was pregnant," Bael admitted.


"I liked her and Cassius would have killed her."

I laughed again. "You fell in love, Bael?" I couldn't believe it. He was the greatest philanderer in the world. I don't believe he could love someone. "That begs the question, is Balmore really Cassius' son or yours?"

"Cassius'. We didn't have that kind of relationship," said Bael.

No one can really be trusted in the royal court.

"Let's just say I'll believe you," I said. "What do you want from me?"

"We want you to kill the king," Balmore said.

"What?!" I almost screamed in horror. "Have you gone crazy?

"Dragomira, you are the only one who can get this close to Cassius," Bael said.

"Is that why he's in the royal guard to get close to Cassius and kill him?"

They both nodded.

"Do you realize that he cannot be killed?" I reminded them.

"He can be if you have the right dagger," Balmore grinned.

So that's why Cassius had fear in his eyes when he heard about his son going for his throne. He found and stole that dagger. He can kill him.

"I can't do it anyway. You chose the wrong person. Cassius doesn't trust me. He won't let me get close enough to him to have a chance to drive that dagger into his heart," I said. "Not after I've already tried to kill him."

"Then why is he going to make you his queen?" Balmore didn't understand.

"It's his twisted way of torturing me. He can do it as long as he wants and I can't run away from him," I replied.

"You're closer to him than anyone else, Dragomira," Bael remarked. "He let you in his life. He's never done that to anyone before."

"Cassius is no fool, Bael. He would have figured it out before I got close to him with the dagger." I objected. "And I'm sure that before he would kill me, he would torture my family first. I have to protect them and I can't risk it."

I turned to leave, but Balmore stood in my way.

"We should kill her or she will tell the king," he said.

"No," Bael dismissed.

"I can assure you both that I will not betray you," I said. "I would rather request that you kill Cassius before he grows bored of my company."

"Why?" Balmore wondered.

"Because he made it clear he was going to kill me at that moment," I replied.

"He wouldn't do that," Bael couldn't believe.

"You yourself, dear Bael, must know that he will," I said.

I have to admit that the possibility crossed my mind that when Cassius died, I would be left to rule as Queen of Toska. After all, I will be his wife and he himself will make me a queen. This way, I would never have to answer to anyone again. I would make the rules.

However, Cassius does not trust me, and if he were to reveal it, my name could not be associated with it. I have to leave that risk to others. Balmore will do all the work and then I'll take everything.

After all, who would want a human as a king in a vampire court?

I left. I left those two fools there surrounded by their long-lost ancestors. I couldn't risk what they were asking me to do. I couldn't risk my family or the time I had left.

Bael caught up with me.

"Dragomira." he stopped me. "I won't let him hurt you," he told me.

"And what are you going to do with it? He is the king. He can do whatever he wants," I told him. "Or will you steal me like the maid? Where is she now anyway?'

"Safe," he replied. "And I'll save you too, Dragomira, because I care about you."

He let the space between us disappear. He gently caressed my cheeks. He left his hand on my neck. He took another tiny step closer to me. I could feel his heart beating in his chest. However, I did not allow myself to be fooled by that gentle touch.

"I know you too well, Bael, to be so naive." I told him, "And don't manipulate me. Your brother is better in it anyway."

I broke away from him and went back to my chambers.

Vampire QueenWhere stories live. Discover now