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Y/n's POV:-

"Yes, she is safe mother. Don't worry."


"Sure. Take care. Bye."

Taehyung hung up the call, as I sat on the corner of the bed with a bruised knee. Watching his face turn cold again, I diverted my eyes back on the floor.

He walked towards me with a cotton ball and an antiseptic, kneeling down. Without sparing me a glance, he poured the liquid on the ball, and applied it on my knee.

I hissed in pain, as his eyes shot up. Glaring at me with fiery gaze, I shut my mouth immediately and looked away. After few minutes, he applied a bandage and stood up.


Rolling his eyes, he ignored me completely.

"Tae please-"

"What if he killed you huh? You think this is a fucking joke!?"

He yelled, which made me startle. Slamming the kit on the table angrily, I jumped on my place in response. He turned around to walk again.

"Taehyung! Your mistaken! This isn't what-"

"Shut up Y/n!"

Getting up abruptly, I sprinted towards him, pulling his shirt.

"Please! Listen to me!"

"I don't wanna listen to your stupid lies!"



I yelled again, and stood infront of him and the door, spreading my arms, and stopping him from leaving.

"I did this all for you!"

He paused before chuckling.

"Great. Another lie."


"Stop this Y/n. Enough of your shit! Aren't you ashamed of what you've done!?"



He held my waist, as he tried to push me away. Taking this as a chance, I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer. Smashing my lips on his, I kissed him slowly.

All of a sudden, he pushed me away, breaking the kiss. I watched him amused, as he clenched his jaw, furiously glaring at me.


"Do you think this is gonna help me forgive you?"

Okay it didn't work.


My eyes watered, and my voice cracked as I stared at him in despair.

"Please...just listen to me once..."

I begged, as tears rolled down my cheeks. Pausing for a while, he frowned. Rolling his eyes again, he folded his arms.


Taking him towards the bed, I made him sit comfortably. He raised one of his eyebrows, gesturing me to speak. Taking a deep breath, I spoke.


{6 months ago}


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