
47 1 2

Word Count: 1,798

Originally Finished: 09/29/2022

Rating: General

Warnings: N/A

Characters: Hunter, Luz Noceda, Amity Blight

Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Hunter & Luz Noceda

Other Tags: Sad and Happy

Summary: N/A

A/N: Sequel to "Project Portal Home: Take One", taking place after Luz and Amity's argument. You don't need to read it to make sense, but it does add context.

I walked out into the woods and out to the old house. Sitting on the porch, I saw Luz, knees pulled into her chest, and sobbing. When I saw Amity coming into the house crying, I figured something was up but didn't actually believe they had a fight. As I took a few more steps forward, I stepped on a stick that snapped under my foot, making Luz's head shoot up.

"Uh, hey." I said with an awkward wave, "Can I...sit with you?"

Luz looked down at the ground, considering, before deciding to move to the side slightly. I recognized that as a yes and sat next to her. For a few moments, we just sat there in silence, Luz trying to not look at me and me not knowing how to deal with a situation like this.

Gus and Willow were handling Amity, and I was in charge of finding Luz. However, 16 years in the Emperor's coven failed to teach me how to comfort friends after a big argument.

"I'm guessing you came to check on me after seeing Amity?" Luz asked with a dry throat from crying, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. I never thought you two would actually get into a fight."

"Well, she's accepted we're stuck here and I'm still trying to get back to the Isles. It makes sense it'd come up eventually. Have you talked to her?"

With how genuinely concerned she sounded, I assumed the argument didn't end up in a breakup, which I was very glad for.

There's no way a breakup with no way between realms would end in anything but a trainwreck.

"No, I haven't. Gus and Willow are. I was tasked with finding you."

"Well, you found me. Mission success." Luz scoffed, "Why don't you help with Amity?

It was genuinely concerning to hear Luz talk like this. I'd seen Luz upset, sure, but nothing like this.

"I can tell that you have something on your mind. Look, Luz, repression isn't great. It can be really bad for your mental health. Take that and combine it with the stress and anxiety you've been having, it's a recipe for disaster. So, I'm going to sit here until you talk to me. Even if it takes all night."

"When did you learn so much about mental health?"

"Since Ms. Noceda started having me go to therapy. You should consider it too, honestly, but that's besides the point. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be right here."

I stared up at the sky as dusk began to set in, the sky turning pink as the sun set over the horizon. Faintly, the first few bright stars began to poke through and shimmer. The minutes passed and, as promised, I stayed with Luz. Time continued to pass and Luz finally moved, letting her legs stretch out and also looking up to the gradually dimming sky. She still couldn't bring herself to look at me, but just staring at the sky seemed to bring her some comfort.

"You're right. There is something on my mind." Luz finally said.

I didn't respond or turn to look at her. I just nodded and made a small sound of acknowledgment and agreement.

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