Project Portal Home: Take One

50 2 0

Word Count: 2,400

Originally Finished: 09/26/2022

Rating: General

Warnings: N/A

Characters: Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Hunter, Gus Porter, Willow Park

Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Amity Blight & Luz Noceda & Willow Park & Gus Porter & Hunter

Other Tags: Fluff, Angst, Feels, Video Recordings

Summary: Luz records her attempts at trying to recreate a portal back to the isles

"Okay, this is project 'Portal Home', take one. It is currently April 26th, 2023. My name is Luz and I'm here with my friends Amity, Hunter, Willow, and Gus. Say hi to the camera guys."

"Hello human realm scroll."

"I'm not saying hi to it, Luz."

"Hello camera!"

"Hi camera. So Luz, why are we talking to your phoone?"

"I am glad you asked! I'm going to be recording all of our attempts to recreate the portal door. We can look back through the footage and take notes and stuff. Plus, in the future, we can look back at our methods to make more doors!"

Luz took a few steps back and to the side, showing the old house behind the group.

"We are going to be using this old house as a home base, and also will be using its door. Eda's portal always led here, so there must be some reason. Oh, also Vee is manning the camera. Say hi to the camera Vee!"

Instead of doing that, Vee just stuck her hand out into the view of the camera and waved.

"Alright, still camera shy, that's okay. Anyways, let's get to work with the first few things. Gus, Hunter, Willow. Did you gather everything I asked you to?"

"Uhhh...yeah. But how is any of this stuff supposed to help make a portal?" Gus asked, holding up a grocery bag.

"Wait, show me that list."

Hunter handed the list to Luz and she facepalmed.

"This was the wrong list. I gave you the grocery list instead of the supply one. It's fine. Mom probably has the real list. I'll text her and let her know. She can give us back the real list when she gets home. Vee, you can go ahead and cut."

"It's the red button, right?"

"Yes, it's the red—here, just, let me do it."

Luz walked over to Vee and took the phone, making the camera point to the ground.

"Okay, to stop recording just press—"

"This is project 'Portal Home', take two. It's April 30th, 2023. It took a few days to get everything, but we should be all good now. Vee is at school, so I bought a tripod to use to record instead. The ground is a bit rough, so apologies if the footage is crooked. Anyways, we got just about everything that I remember using a few months ago when Eda and I tried to make a portal. Besides Titan's blood that is. So, until we find some of that, we're just going to go ahead and assemble everything. Let's go, team!"

Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, and Gus got to work, following all of Luz's instructions as they set up all the things Luz had them get and attached them to the door. Luz occasionally gave notes, but generally everything was chill. After everything was set up, Luz walked over to the camera.

"Okay guys, that looks great! We just need to get some Titan's blood and we're home free! I'll be back when that happens."

Luz smiled at the camera, then ended the recording.

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