We Are Belos

185 3 7

Word Count: 1,376

Originally Finished: 08/19/2022

Rating: General

Warnings: N/A

Characters: Hunter, Emperor Belos, Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Gus Porter, Willow Park, Vee

Relationships: Hunter & Willow Park

Other Tags: Angst, Possession

Summary: While in the Human Realm, the gang goes to the old house in the woods to try and get some clues on how to get back to the Demon realm. While there, they find something completely different.

Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, and Vee all stood just outside the house in the woods, looking at it with a slight feeling of nervousness. Last time most of them were at the house, they had just came to the Human realm. Vee was the only one who had ever been there for a reason besides using the portal then.

"So Luz, what are we looking for?" Gus chipperly asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Anything. The portal door always leads to this house. There must be some connection between the two. So, if you see anything that could be a clue that could help us get back to the Isles, grab it." Luz explained.

Luz walked up first, everyone else following close behind. They split off into two groups. Luz, Amity, and Vee and Willow, Gus, and Hunter. The former went to one side and the latter to the other. As they looked around, they didn't find much. Graffiti, old newspapers, rotten furniture, and nothing else of importance.

While wondering around, Hunter split off from the group to explore the entry room. He saw the place a camera used to be set up and old traps. While he was looking around the celing, he thought he noticed something moving. He ignored it and went back to looking around. As he was, he could have sworn he felt something wet fall onto his neck but when he touched it, he didn't feel anything.

With a sigh, he went off to figure out where Willow and Gus were. He found them in what they all were fairly sure was a kitchen. In a cabinet there was an old cookbook. Willow grabed it and tucked it under her shoulder. As they all kept exploring, they only found a few miscelanious items. Gardening tools, whittling knives, decayed papers, and even a few rotten quilts.

They all were sure this place used to be someone's home. Maybe even multiple peoples.

With the remains of whatever life there used to be in hand, the six all regrouped and headed home.

As they did, Hunter still couldn't help but shake the cool feeling on his neck.

When they got home they laid everything out on the living room coffee table to try and peice together anything that could lead to who lived at the house.

"So...what now?" Gus asked, staring at everything.

"Yeah. We got whatever wasn't teeming with insects. What's the plan?" Amity questioned.

Luz just stared at all the things without answering. She didn't know what to think. Besides the whittling knives, everything was normal.

"Hey Willow," Hunter slowly said, "Most of these things are made of paper or wood. I know it's dead, but could you maybe use some plant magic to, like, figure out how old it is?"

"I can try! That's a great idea Hunter." Willow said with a smile.

She held her hands over all the items, making them all glow with a faint green. After a few moments, she leaned back and smiled.

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