Project Portal Home: Take One

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"Ooookay, project 'Portal Home', take three. The date is May 13th, 2023. So turns out Titan's blood is super rare, and especially so in the human realm. But, we are searching all over Gravefield. Hunter has even been able to look through nearby towns since he learned to drive! Mom's working to help him get his permit. He's...already taken a liking to the human realm. But no matter! I decided to go ahead and give an update on the hunt."

Luz flipped the camera from the selfie mode it was in to using the back cameras, which revealed Willow and Amity walking through the woods in front of Luz down a faint trail.

"Vee isn't really interested in this whole project, Gus is doing something and didn't join us this time, and Hunter is off in another town so it's just us three today! We're trying to see if maybe Willow can use her plant magic to scan for blood by seeing if any plants have weird changes from taking in an otherworldly liquid. It's really cool and-"

"Luz!" Willow said stopping and turning around to the camera, sounding slightly annoyed, "Look, I know you want to record our progress, but I really need to focus. You're having me look for a strange substance I haven't even seen before in the woods with my magic. It's difficult, a bit tiring, and like looking for a tan pinhead in a grain silo. Just, do you think you could record stuff after we make progress?"

Luz flipped the camera back to selfie mode. Her face looked dejected, but understanding.

"Yeah, sure, totally. I get it Willow. Thanks for doing this for me. I'll...update the recording when we find the blood."

Luz signed and stopped the recording.

"So, still May 13th, and we got nothing. Willow went back home so I'm just chilling out here with Amity."

Luz turned the phone so Amity was in frame. She looked sad, but when she saw the camera cracked a small smile and waved. Luz turned the camera back to herself.

"I texted Hunter and he says he can't find anything either. He is learning a lot about earth history, which he enjoys. He has lots of questions about the various witch hunts that have happened around here which, in his words not mine, made the historians at the museums he's gone to beam like a little witch getting a snorse for their 5th birthday. I don't get it entirely, but Amity laughed when I showed the text to her. Regardless, we're going to keep looking. I'll be back with an update soon. See you in a—"

"Okay, 'Portal Home' project take...four? Five? Whatever. Anyway, Amity, Hunter, and I are off on a road trip to Salem. I thought maybe the most famous place with witches might have some signs of the Isles. Hunter managed to forge enough documents, with Gus' help, that he now has his license! Willow has been talking about studying to get her learner's permit. I get that she's trying to be able to do more things in this realm, but—"

"Uh, that's not why." Hunter interrupted, off camera, "Willow is getting a permit because human 15 year olds do and, until further notice, we are supposed to be as human as possible. Besides, as many of us as possible being able to drive will be handy when school starts in, what, 2 months? School starts on August 7th, right?"

"Yeah, it starts then. So yeah, 2 months." Amity confirmed.

"Anyway, school is starting in a bit so having two of us able to drive will be handy."

"Yeah, but, we don't know we'll still be here after that long. We might find the Titan's blood in Salem! Or even somewhere else! We can't just give up on getting home."

Amity's arm came into frame and wrapped around Luz's shoulders.

"We're not giving up. Isn't that right Hunter?"

"Heh, alright. We're not giving up."

"Project 'Portal Home' take...whatever. Who even cares? It's August 19th and we still have nothing! We're all in school now, Hunter has officially given up, so I'm just stuck alone. All my friends are giving up on going home. How can they seriously give up? It's insane! They're insane! At the very least they're awful for leaving me alone to work on this because apparently I'm the only one who cares!"

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