❁The Reception❁

Start from the beginning

Taehyun shook his head. "Whatever it is. I'm going to drink tonight. To at least make my head feel less heavier." 

Beomgyu shook his head. "You're still stubborn." 

"It's one of my greatest personality traits" Taehyun smirked, waiting for the dance to get over. 

And when it did, he immediately stormed towards the bar, not caring about the looks he got. 

"Hey," Soobin walked towards Beomgyu. "Where is he going?" 

"To drink." Beomgyu replied, nonchalant as he walked towards his previous seat. 

Soobin's eyes widened as he looked towards Beomgyu's walking figure. "And you're just letting him?" 

Beomgyu looked back and shrugged. "He's not listening to me. Not my problem." 

Soobin's mouth was agape with disbelief. "Some kind of a husband you are." He complained, walking towards Taehyun, who was already gulping down his first drink. 

"Are you going to get drunk like that? On the night of the wedding." Soobin questioned. 

Taehyun nodded, wiping the spilled soju from his chin. "I'm going to drink my problems away. It's getting heavy." 

Soobin clicked his tongue. "What's with you two acting like you were forced into the wedding? You both literally agreed to it!" 

Taehyun dismissed him with a wave. "Shh. They would have still forced us into the marriage if we didn't agree, Soobin." 

"Soobin hyung." The older reminded him, smacking Taehyun on the back of his head, making the younger whine. 


Thirty minutes had already passed and Beomgyu was now trying to find the younger. He spotted him at the bar, still drinking as if there was no tomorrow. "What is he doing? God." Beomgyu sighed, giving a last smile to one of the guests he was talking to before making his way to his husband. 

Just when Taehyun was about to take a new shot, a hand stopped him. "Stop drinking, Taehyun." 

The said-male gulped when he heard Beomgyu's deep voice, calling his name. But being the stubborn person he was, denied it. "Leave me alone."

But, Beomgyu wasn't having it. He made the other stand up on his legs, brushing the younger's hair out of his eyes. "You're not drunk, are you?"

Taehyun shook his head. "I've only had three." But he held up five fingers. 

"That's still a lot," Beomgyu jabbed a finger at Taehyun's forehead. "Anyways, we have to bid the guests a goodbye. C'mon." Beomgyu said, grabbing Taehyun's wrist and pulling him to the guests. 


"Finally," Taehyun cheered with a monotone voice as he saw the last group of guests leaving the venue. The only people left were their parents and friends. 

"Ready to go home?" Yeonjun asked and Taehyun nodded. 

"I'm mad tired." Taehyun complained but noticed a certain person snoring on the seat next to him. "Guess, Kai was tired as well." 

Yeonjun hummed. "Congratulations on the wedding, though. I'm glad everything went well." 

Beomgyu looked above from his phone. "Can we go home? It's like nine-thirty pm now." 

"Of course, your bags and suitcases are already in your car." Mr. Choi nodded, getting up from his seat. 

Mrs. Kang wiped her eyes, trying not to cry. She walked towards Taehyun and hugged him. "We're going to miss you, pumpkin.." She trailed off, her voice cracking in the middle. 

Taehyun patted her back. "Mom, it's not like I'm going away forever, right? I'll come visit you on the weekends, alright?" 

His mom sniffed. "You better keep that promise. Bring Beomgyu with you, okay?" 

Before Taehyun could reply, Beomgyu stood besides him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Of course, even if he doesn't bring me. I'll make sure to come." 

Mrs. Kang chuckled. "I will be expecting you two then." 


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