Chapter 7: The Evening Raid and the Enigmatic Ones

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Roten Halbmond Gate
Berlin, Germany
10:47–11:03 in the evening

Auror Romanowicz gathered with his comrades near the nightclub's gate, a portal to the city's nocturnal underbelly that was notorious for harbouring creatures of the night.

Władisław's eyes sharp and senses finely tuned unfolded a message from his leader. The inked words conveyed a sense of urgency, "It's now 10:50 in the evening." A nod passed among the group—time to act.

The nightclub's interior pulsed with music that reverberated through the brick walls. The members could feel the vibrations of an unseen world lurking within as they approached.

Władisław addressed his fellow hunters, "We strike now. The vampires won't be expecting us."

With a precision born of practice, the group infiltrated the nightclub. The atmosphere shifted from the mundane to the eerie as they passed through the concealed entrance.

Meanwhile, Boyadzhiyeva's dark eyes gleamed with an otherworldly allure as she led the three vampires through the dimly lit corridors toward the VIP room.

After they approached the entrance, adorned with crimson velvet drapes, Nadezhda began to turn to her companions. The three vampires smiled in silent excitement, their footsteps were barely audible against the thumping bass of the music as they echoed through the corridor.

Meanwhile, Baldwin and Zdravko trailed behind the vampires. Their movements were precise, blending seamlessly with the ambient darkness as they maintained a discreet distance.

While she pushed open the velvet-draped door, the VIP room unfolded before them like a clandestine haven. Deep hues of red and gold adorned the space, with plush velvet couches arranged in intimate clusters. The room was veiled in an air of exclusivity, a sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the pulsating energy of the nightclub.

The vampires surveyed the room with a silent hunger, she led them toward a secluded corner where a private booth awaited. When they settled into the plush seats, the atmosphere shifted and an invisible tension gripped the air.

Inside the VIP room, the patrons, oblivious to the supernatural presence in their midstrevelleded in the opulence of the night. The music's rhythm throbbed through the walls, creating a surreal backdrop for the unfolding drama.

Baldwin and Zdravko were keenly aware of the delicate dance between predator and prey while positioning themselves strategically at the room's perimeter. The shadows played upon their faces as they observed, hidden in plain sight.

Her eyes gleaming with an ethereal light, began to engage the vampires in subtle conversation. Their words, a symphony of whispers and shared secrets, blended with the ambient music. The dance floor outside pulsed with the movements of carefree patrons, unaware of the nocturnal drama transpiring within the confines of the VIP room.

Baldwin exchanged a knowing glance with Zdravko, communicating without words the necessity for vigilance. The air was charged with anticipation, and the fate of the night hung delicately in the balance.
Boyadzhiyeva gracefully moved to the rhythm of a haunting melody.

Her every step was a bewitching dance, captivating the attention of those who were fortunate enough to witness her performance.

Unbeknownst to her, three dark vampires, clad in shadows and seduction, observed her from a dimly lit corner. Their eyes, sharp as the edge of a blade, noticed something amiss—a fiery Garnet-like gem gleaming in her right ear cuff. This gem is believed to be Carninárë, the unexpected gift from Gordan Grozdanov.

When Nadezhda twirled and swayed, the vampires exchanged knowing glances. The gem had a story—a story that spoke of ancient prophecies and the clash of otherworldly realms. In the subtle glow of the VIP room, the gem pulsed with a mesmerizing intensity.

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