6 - 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲;

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POV: Han

I entered classes and sat in my usual place: in the second row and next to the classroom window. I was excited because this was the class where I was sharing a project with Hayami, so I would have the opportunity to be with her and talk, even if it was just for school stuff. A small smile formed on my lips at the thought of her, which quickly faded away when I saw that the teacher was taking assistance and she was still not in class. I got up from my seat and told the teacher about my situation, to which he asked the other students if they had seen Hayami at the center that morning. Several answered yes, so the teacher suggested that I go search for her.

I nodded and left the classroom, wandering through the long, empty corridors where only the echo of my footsteps echoed in search of the girl. As I was walking, my feet stopped their path as I heard whimpers coming from a nearby classroom. It seemed to be empty, and my first thought was that maybe someone had been hurt like it happened to me a few days ago. I quickly opened the classroom door, but the scene I encountered left me completely frozen in place, my eyes widening with surprise and my heart sinking with sadness.

I had found Hayami, but she was with Minho. And by that I mean Minho had her cornered against the wall while devouring her lips, Hayami making soft whimpers, sounds that I wish were caused by me and not by Minho. My eyes crystallized and my hands started shaking, and before my mind could process the scene properly, I was running down the hallway and locking myself in the first bathroom I found, collapsing on the floor and crying.

What was I feeling at that moment? It was quite simple: helplessness, jealousy and rage.

Helplessness because I knew that, if the situation had been the other way around, if Minho had found me kissing Hayami in that classroom, he would have been able to interrupt and fight for her, something that I didn't dare to do.

Jealousy because I wish I was the one kissing her like that, I wish I was the reason why Hayami made those sweet sounds, and I wish I was the only one who could taste those addictive lips.

And rage because I wanted nothing more than to take Minho away from her and hit him, even if that was against my morals.
Apart from all that, after what happened yesterday, I thought we were closer now. Did it mean nothing to her that I helped her with the punch her mother gave her? Maybe I wasn't enough to make her feel better and that's why she went to find Minho? Maybe I made her feel uncomfortable and she was trying to avoid me?

All those thoughts and feelings were the ones I had at that moment, and my heart sank so much that it hurt. I felt dizzy, my body wouldn't stop shaking and the tears kept falling. But my mind kept repeating the same question over and over again:

Why do I like you, Yoshida Hayami?

POV: Hayami

— Ami, have you decided what to do about Han yet? — Minho asked me while he had just finished fixing his uniform.

When I heard his name, I suddenly remembered that the class I had skipped because I was with Minho was the one where I shared a project with Han, and for some reason I felt guilty. Was feeling hurt because I missed it?

– I have something to do, I'll see you later – I said quickly instead of answering Minho's question.

I ran down the hallways in search of my classroom, but stopped when I heard sobbing in a nearby bathroom. I got closer to hear better what was happening, and to my surprise I recognized those sobs: it was Han. Without further hesitation, I went into the bathroom and I was devastated to see him in that state.

[ENG] 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 || 𝖧𝖺𝗇 𝖩𝗂𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀, 𝖫𝖾𝖾 𝖬𝗂𝗇𝗁𝗈Where stories live. Discover now