5 - 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬;

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POV: Han

It was already the first hour of class, specifically history, and I was sitting in my class seat. I usually used to arrive early to avoid getting caught by Hayami and Minho's gang. I was going through some notes from the last class until suddenly I smelled a familiar perfume while someone was sitting next to me. I instinctively raised my head to see who it was, no one used to sit with me. My eyes lit up with excitement when I saw that it was no one other than Hayami.

— Hayami? What are you doing here? — I asked curiously.
— Sitting down for my class, isn't it obvious? — she replied in an ironic way.

A silly little smile formed on my lips without me noticing when she said he was going to sit with me for that class.

— Ah... Thank you for sitting with me, then — I replied sheepishly.

She was super popular, so she usually used to sit with some guy or one of her friends.

—It's nothing, you're the least boring person in this class— she replied disinterestedly.

My heart gave a little jump when she said that, a little blush forming on my cheeks.

Just then, the teacher entered the class, causing everyone to quickly fall silent. He explained that we would do projects in pairs, which would be the ones we sat down with. I looked at Hayami nervously out of the corner of my eye, trying to see how she felt about that. To my surprise, she didn't seem angry or upset about having to go with me. Would it be because she doesn't mind it being with me, or because I'm smart and she knows we'll get a good grade? Actually, I'd rather not know the answer to that.

— Well, seems like we're together, Hannie — she mentioned.
— H... Hannie? — I asked timidly, feeling my heart beating fast again.
— It's a cute nickname, it fits you, don't you think? — she replied with a sly smile.

I nodded with a small shy smile, quickly focusing on the project itself. I explained vaguely what had to be done, it was quite simple. It was just to make a document explaining a war in depth. The class ended soon, and we didn't have enough time to finish it, no one did.

— Uhm... Do you want us to meet to finish the assignment? — I asked carefully.
— I don't usually care about these things, but I don't want to make your grades go down, so I'll help you with it.
— Then... Where will we stay?
— Can it be on your house?
— Well... My mom won't let me take girls home.
— Then let's do it in mine. I don't think my mother will be home either way.

I nodded and mentally prepared myself. What would it be like to be at Hayami's house, alone? My thoughts made me imagine that maybe we could even kiss, but I immediately stopped thinking about it. It probably would never happen, anyway.

We got up, ready to go to the next class, but I stopped when I saw that Minho was at the door of the classroom. He looked more in a good mood than the day before and Hayami immediately came over to talk to him, maybe they had made up?

I approached them shyly and stayed behind Hayami, I didn't intend to hear what they were talking about, I just wanted to leave the room but they were occupying the door. Still, I could hear what they were talking about.

— So, you want to go out this afternoon? — asked Minho.
— I'm busy, I'm going to do an assignment with Han — Hayami replied.
— An assignment? But you never do those things, Ami — Minho laughed.
— Well, I'm interested in this one, so I'm going to do it. Besides, it counts quite a note.
— Well, whatever you want. Just make sure you're free this weekend.

Following this, Minho left down the hallway, although he seemed quite angry compared to before.

⌘  ﹒  ˖ ˙ ﹒ ⊹  ˙   ⌯

We arrived at Hayami's house after the long day of classes. Strangely, no one from her gang had messed with me today, which made me happier than usual, aside from the idea of being able to spend time alone with Hayami even if it was just working on something from school.

Once we entered, she guided me to her room. I put my backpack aside on the floor, she did the same and we sat on the floor. She pulled out her laptop for us to start writing, making me have to sit quite close to her, so much so that our shoulders were touching. That made me blush a little, but I kept focusing on work.

That was until the front door of the house was heard being opened. Hayami suddenly got up, she looked scared.

— Han, stay here, please. Don't go out, no matter what happens — she pleaded with concern.

I was quite surprised by the way she acted, but I nodded and did as she asked. I just sat there and waited for him to come back. But, to my surprise, I heard a woman yelling downstairs. I couldn't understand what she was saying exactly, but she definitely seemed angry. After that, I heard a pretty loud bang, which made me worry even more. Even so, I stayed in Hayami's room, just as she had asked me to. Finally a door slam was heard which was then followed by silence.

After a while, Hayami re-entered the room. She seemed sad, and I didn't hesitate to ask her about what I had heard.

— Are you okay? I heard yelling and banging...
— I'm fine, Han. It was just my mom, but she's already gone.

I could tell from afar that, indeed, she was not well.

— Hayami, you can trust me. It may be a difficult topic for you, but... Please, tell me about it.
— Let's get back to work, shall we?

I nodded, knowing that I probably wouldn't get much information if I insisted. We went back to work, only that the atmosphere was clearly more tense than before.

Then, while she was writing, the sleeve of her uniform went up a little, revealing a small wound on her forearm. I immediately became worried and grabbed her arm carefully. This caused her to look at me with obvious confusion, but she quickly noticed why when she lowered her gaze to her arm.

— Hayami, did your mother do this to you? Be honest with me, please — I asked cautiously.
— Han... — she said my name sadly, trying to avoid my eyes.
— Please, Hayami. You take care of my wounds, let me take care of yours too.

She fell silent before speaking again, her voice hushed and shaky.

— ...Yes, it was my mother.

At that very moment, I felt my heart breaking from the impotence of not being able to help her and from seeing the pain in her eyes.

At that very moment, I felt my heart breaking from the impotence of not being able to help her and from seeing the pain in her eyes

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[ENG] 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 || 𝖧𝖺𝗇 𝖩𝗂𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀, 𝖫𝖾𝖾 𝖬𝗂𝗇𝗁𝗈Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat