Chapter 17: Heroes and DeVillains

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Moments earlier, Issei found himself engrossed in training within his Dimension when an inexplicable force tugged at him, signalling that his presence was urgently needed elsewhere.

Issei, sensing the call, muttered to himself with determination, "Azazel's calling me. If he's pulling me in, it's for a damn good reason. Time for battle," willingly teleporting to the location where duty awaited.

Upon materializing, Issei witnessed a perilous scene—a hair's breadth away from Azazel stood Cao Cao, poised to deliver a fatal blow with his spear. The abruptness of Issei's entrance disrupted Cao Cao's intentions, the force causing a momentary pause. Taking advantage, Issei intercepted by seizing the spear's pole, pushing it skyward, and delivering a powerful right hook that sent Cao Cao hurtling back into a nearby wall.

Surveying his surroundings, Issei discerned that he was now in a Hotel Lobby. However, this was no ordinary space but an artificial dimension specifically created by the Dimension Lost sacred gear. Casting his eyes across the room, he observed Kuroka and Vali in critical condition, Asia healing Xenovia, and Azazel appearing worse for wear. Issei's attention fixated on Samael, detecting a potent and violent poison in the air— the same poison that had nearly claimed his life on two occasions. His gaze honed in on Samael, noting a black block in front of its mouth, containing the presence of Ophis within. Observing Georg, a member of the Hero Faction, Issei realized that Georg had control over Samael.

With annoyance and sarcasm, Issei remarked, "You guys just can't seem to stay out of trouble, huh?" His words hung in the air, capturing the collective relief of everyone present, who simultaneously shouted, "Issei!"

Breaking the intense silence, Issei directed his gaze downward, locking eyes with the battered and bloodied Vali.


Name: Vali Lucifer

Race: Human Devil Hybrid

Affiliation: Khaos Brigade (Vali Team)

Rank: Leader (Vali Team)

Relationship: Self Proclaimed Rival

Type: Hybrid (Battlemage)


Vitality: 90

Strength: 90

Agility: 100

Intelligence: 80

Senses: 80

Dexterity: 90

Luck: 70

Overall Power Level: 85

Abilities: Magic (Defensive, Teleportation, Summoning)

Gear: Divine Dividing Sacred Gear


His characteristic straightforwardness intact, Issei quipped, "Vali, it's been ages. You look like shit."

Vali's thoughts delved into Issei's transformation since their last encounter. "So this is what he looks like now," Vali Lucifer mused, acknowledging the undeniable aura of newfound strength surrounding Issei. Clenching his jaw in response to Issei's surpassing ascent, Vali's inner battle enthusiast stirred, eagerly anticipating the impending clash with his formidable rival.

Meanwhile, within Vali's Divine Dividing, Albion contemplated Issei's power. "His power feels like a black hole, a black hole that leads to a bottomless pit," Albion pondered.

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