Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3

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Kuro: "Then no."

A young voice, possessing a large amount of pressure. The more annoying variant of Kotori''s personas, her commander mode.

Although it can't be confirmed from here, but the elites on the bridge of <Fraxinus>, should be fully prepared to conquer a Spirit.

Kotori: "I can't believe it, it really is a Spirit. To tell you the truth, I thought it was just Shido's delusions."

In response to her joke I could only snicker.

But that was not without reason. To tell the truth, Shido himself seemed doubtful. Spirits transferring to school as a transfer student and what not.

Kotori: "The only reason I could even consider entertaining it were two factors. One, we can't risk screwing up on the off chance he is right. And two, the fact you didn't seem to be surprised at her announcement. Any reason for that Kuro?"

Kuro: "I am the clone of a Supersoldier from an entirely different dimension, where a disease is a sexist lesbian thanks to a horny Pink Space Jesus. Not to mention, we have the equivalent of superpowered teenagers and children here. Let's not get started on the fact I have a sword capable of turning most of Japan into a sea of fire when I swing it. What's your point?"

Kotori: "...Point made."

Anywho, the result of Kotori's observations of Kurumi, was sent to Shido's handphone at lunchtime.

In conclusion... Kurumi is, a real Spirit. Big shocker.

Kotori: "Hey, it can be considered a good thing at least. The other party has already sent an invitation. If the alarm doesn't sound off, the AST can't be nosy as well; isn't that an outcome that we've hoped for? Right now, please focus on raising the other party's feelings towards you and let her fall in love."

Kuro: "I think your mixing up me and the eroge protagonist. I fail to see the point in making her fall in love with me. Not to mention I lack the ability to seal spirits after all."

Was my dry response.

Although I have to begrudgingly admit it's just as Kotori says. However, Kurumi's motive is still not clear at present, although I'm willing to bet it has something to do with Shido. As dumb and reckless as I act, it doesn't take a genius to realize the events of this world revolved around him.

It's not the first time I've seen the world seemingly favor one person to the point of unnecessary conflict happening after all.


Kotori: "What's with you and that kind of cowardly response. Could it be that your afraid you can't do it? Aw, the mighty Kuro afraid of a teenage girl, how laughable."

Kuro: "As if. It's just this is not my preferred route considering the so called help you and the crew provide."

Kotori: "Good then. Unfortunately, it looks like we don't have enough time to chat anymore."

More like fortunately. That smug demeanor is rather annoying.

As I let out a relived sigh, my shoulder was poked a few times by someone.

Kurumi: "Kuro, Kuro." 

Kuro: "Mm!?"

Because it was too sudden, I nearly got a fright. 

Kurumi: "Sorry, did I scare you?"

The girl standing there Kurumi said with an apologetic look. 

Kuro: "Kurumi.... "

Kurumi simply looked at me with an innocent expression.

Kuro: "sigh. Nothing. Nothing at all."

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