Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1

Start from the beginning

Edgeworth: Your Honor. This case is quite simple if you ask one question: And that question is: "What did the security lady at the guard station see?"

Judge: Understood.

Edgeworth: Let's call this security officer to the stand!

He exclaimed as Oldbag walked and stood behind the witness stand as she looked upset to be there.

Edgeworth: Will the witness declare her name?

Oldbag: ... Hmm? My, aren't you a handsome fellow! I'm afraid I'm a bit flustered!

Edgeworth: Y-Your name, please!

Oldbag: Oh, dearie! No need for you to be embarrassed! Just call me "grandma."


Phoenix: 'Seems Edgeworth has a bit of trouble getting his witnesses to say their names...'

Oldbag: Wendy Oldbag, dearie. So just call me "grandma." It's practically my name!

She said still blushing as she started to rant about her name and random things that didn't contain to the trial before Edgeworth yelled out,


Edgeworth: O-objection! I... object to the witness's talkativeness.

Judge: Objection sustained! The witness will refrain from rambing on the stand.

Oldbag: I was just getting to the good part, dearie!

Edgeworth: Perhaps we can get to the testimony?

Judge: Now, the witness was stationed at the main gate on the day of the murder, correct?

Oldbag: Yessey I was.

Judge: And to get to the scene of the murder, someone would have to pass by you?

Oldbag: You know your stuff, dearie!

Judge: ... You may begin your testimony.

Phoenix: 'She sure is one hell of an Oldbag...!'

Ryan: 'She's way crazier now than before...'

They groaned in their heads as Oldbag began her testimony about what she witnessed on the day of the murder.

Witness Testimony
- Witness's Account- -

Oldbag: On the day of the murder, I arrived at the guard station at 1:00 PM. Poor old Hammer and the rest had been doing a run-through there since the morning. I, well, I had some errands to run that morning. Anyway, it was 1:00 when I got to the guard station. I was at the main gate from then until 5:00! Now, the murder happened at 2:30 PM, right? Interesting to me, because a certain man walked right by me at 2:00 PM. It was Powers! That man right there, and he was heading toward the studio!

Judge: You saw the defendant, then? Hmm... Very well. Let's begin the cross-examination. Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor.

Cross Examination

They started the Cross Examination as Oldbag retold what she told as Phoenix decided to press her on her belief that she saw Will Powers walk past the guard station.

Phoenix: Objection! So you saw Mr. Powers?

Oldbag: That's what I said! Got wax in your ears, sonny?

Maya: Nick, this is your chance!

Phoenix: Yeah, time to pull out the secret weapon... Ryan, can you please give it to me?

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