"Yes, I'm done." Rowan pointed to the door, and Amira took off down the hall. He followed after her, shaking his head at her silliness. He had no clue where they were going, but he didn't care as long as she was happy. Amira then ran straight into the kitchen and grabbed the mini confetti popper.

"Happy Birthday!" She yelled, popping the confetti into the air.

"I will clean all of this up, I promise." Amira motioned for Rowan to come forward. "I know you don't care for sweets, but I got my mom's 'famous' red velvet cake. You liked it when she made it for you last time, so I figured you might appreciate it again."

Rowan nodded, deeply moved, as he took everything in.

"Oh, and I got you a few balloons," she said when his eyes went to them. "I hope it's not too much."

Although Rowan and Amira were together for Rowan's birthday last year, their relationship was new and awkward. Amira was afraid to overstep, but now she knew Rowan much better and felt comfortable doing things for him without seeming overbearing. 

"No, it's not too much."

"Good, because I also got you a card, and as always, you can't read it in front of me."

Amira placed the card in his hand. She thought Rowan would've looked at it and sat it to the side, but Amira gasped when he opened it.

"OMG." She debated snatching the card from him but decided otherwise. Amira knew her notes could get quite sappy and emotional, so he was basically reading a love letter. "I should've just put money in it," she grumbled, hiding behind the counter. "I'll be in the car if you need me." She tried scurrying past Rowan, but he grabbed her.

"Thank you for the card and the message. Thank you for the balloons, the cake, your time, energy, and love. I appreciate all of it; it means a lot to me, Amira."

She smiled brightly, almost in a giddy-like manner. "Of course. You don't have to thank me." They shared a quick yet gratifying kiss before Amira pulled away.

"Can I drive?"

"No," Rowan shook his head.

"Please. We can take my car."

"No." He refused to be a passenger princess even on his birthday. They soon got in his car, and Rowan followed the GPS until they arrived at their destination—making it just in time.

Tonight, Amira had tickets to see the Botanical Gardens. It wasn't much, but she preferred going the wholesome route when planning dates or activities. She wanted Rowan to experience things he likely never experienced before and take him places he could one day equate to sentimental value.

Amira felt a sense of nostalgia as they started walking through the exhibition. During the holiday seasons, specifically Christmas, the gardens are illuminated by Christmas-themed displays—creating a magical festive wonderland. Amira loved Christmas, so the fact that Rowan was a December baby made the holiday seem ten times more special.

"This is so nice," she sighed, squeezing Rowan's arm. The pictures online didn't do the place justice. The vast scale of lights incorporated into each display made the gardens seem twice as big. Amira appreciated the amount of effort put into creating such eye-catching pieces.

Even Rowan couldn't deny how nice the exhibit was. He took his time admiring the displays, which were quite imposing up close. Then he inevitably turned his focus back to Amira. The art was beautiful, but Rowan couldn't keep his eyes off her.

They eventually stopped to order hot chocolate and rest on an empty bench.

"How is it so far?" Amira asked, referring to their surroundings. "It's not a BDSM club or a sex dungeon where we can watch people fuck their brains out, but it's different, right? It's cute—hopefully not in an obnoxious way."

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