"Playmate" | DCFDTL x Fem! Reader

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(Back with another one, Hopefully I didn't lose my touch. Hope y'all enjoy it either way.
Requested by: Icey_Moth_Baby)

Ahh yes, A beautiful autumn morning..
The leaves slowly falling on the ground,
The breeze as cool as ever,


but of course, Seasons as nice as this isnt a reason for anyone to stop plotting against the Kids Next Door...

The Delightful children, Five perfectly delightful children with a goal on becoming adults as quick as possible and will not let anything get in the way of that goal. One could only wonder what really goes on in their heads.
Are they actually a hivemind? Do they read each other's minds? Do they do 'everything' together? What's up with their creepy demeanor? Can they separate or are they just one big clump?

No one really knows... No one but a certain girl just across the street..

Of course, Father would never let his poor Delightful children be alone their entire lives so he thought maybe a playmate would do good for them. He thought that as long as someone else is looking after his children without him having to put much effort, He'll be saved the trouble and his children are kept entertained.

Y/N, a 10 year old girl with a calm, cool demeanor, an active functional mind with actually high intelligence and a heart full of care and kindness.

She was patient and understanding but a girl can't be without her sass, She learns a lot from observing and books. A girl with her own natural talent, A girl who knows what to do in desperate situations. Every single detail about her, The Delightful children love but not one of them have the guts to admit it.

Today was like usual as they were preparing themselves for another visit from Y/N, It was almost like watching them prepare for a special occasion.
Never once wanting to look untidy or unkempt in front of her.

Once they hear the doorbell ring is where they hurriedly do what they can to make them look neat and when finally finished, They all rushed down the flight of stairs and sat in the living room like they've been there waiting for her in boredom which is pure opposite to their true feelings.

Jenkins walks in with the girl in tow as she held a few books with her and thanked Jenkins for escorting her, She sat down on one of the couches besides the Delightful children and opens up a book in which the Delightful children rushed to her side and looked through her book, not one inch of personal space.

Y/N didn't mind however, She was used to this as she flipped through the pages of her encyclopedia then spoke without glancing at the children,
"So, What's the agenda for today? Another plot against the Kids Next Door, I presume?"

The Delightful children shook their heads as they leaned back against the cushion of the couch and some leaned their heads against her shoulders,
"No, We're thinking to just take a break today.. We got quite a beating yesterday anyways.."

Y/N chuckles lightly as she pets one of their heads with her eyes glued to her book,
"Hmm... Alright then, What would you like to do today? Practice your piano lessons? Make blueprints? Finish your homework?" She asks with a smile yet the Delightful children responded with their heads shaking.

"Maybe something less work or school related? You know, A walk through the park, Going to the movies... Getting dinner together?.."
They blurted out the last part in a quick mumble as Y/N was left with a raised eyebrow but shrugged her shoulders and puts her book down.

She crossed her arms and gives a smile as she tilts her head to the side,
"And what suppose do you want to do first?"

The Delightful children thought for a moment then stood up as they held one of her hands and took her with them to their car with Jenkins as their driver and drove off somewhere in which left Y/N a bit confused but followed through without much question.

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