DCFDTL x Babysitter! Reader

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(They deserve the love that their own Father couldn't give, This is a platonic fic and they are 10 while Reader is 16-17)

The sun has risen a minute ago and the birds sang their morning song,
The only thing that has interrupted the peaceful morning was the darn alarm clock chimming a loud sound.


It was 6:00 am in the morning and the 5 children began to yawn and sit up, They stretch their arms and start getting up to prepare for their daily morning routine.

Firstly took baths in which the girls went in first while the boys find their clothing and prepare their shoes, Once the girls were done and are properly dried with towels wrapped around them they then went to get dressed in their attire while the boys get their turn in the bathroom.

Once they're all dressed and neatly fixed up they went down the stairs only to hear some voices talking to one another from the living room below.
Their curiosity got the best of them as they sneaked down to the bottok of the stairs and took a small peak from the door frame.

There they noticed their Father talking to a young person around their teenage years, This surprised the children and got startled more as they hear their Father's booming voice mention their presence.

"Children, It's not polite to eavesdrop on adult conversations! Now, would you kindly come here and greet our guest?" Father motioned to his children to the teen in front of them,
They merely followed his orders and stood in front of them and courtesied as they introduced themselves;
"Greetings, We are the Delightful Children From Down The Lane, We are glad to have you visit our humble abode." They stood straight afterwards and merely stared at the two.

"Wonderful! Now children, This is Y/N, Your new babysitter! They will be taking care of you for the time being as Jenkins will be more occupied with me and my duties, Be sure to behave and treat them with respect, Got it?!"
Father asks in a harsh tone at the end which only had the Delightful Children shiver and nod at their Father.

"Good, Now if you'll excuse me I have some important business to take care of, Just ask if you need anything, Y/N!" Father says while walking off and waving as he and Jenkins exit the house.
Now it was only them, Y/N turned back to face the children and presented them with a warm and welcoming smile.

"Okay kids, As you know my name is Y/N!Please do not be afraid to express any casualties with me and let's get along well, okay?"
They say with a smile shining like the sun, The children looked at each other and nodded as they agree to their wishes.

"How about some breskfast? I'm sure you poor things are starving! Come now, Today is pancake day!" Y/N says in such enthusiasm and leads the children to the kitchen where Y/N started cooking pancakes for them.

Once the food has been prepared they all started eating, The children had a tad bit of suspicion with their new sitter but rather not engage in conversation fearing too much would be said.
Y/N didn't mind knowing children tend to have doubts on people that are new to them, Although Y/N was very determined to help get them out of their shells and open up a bit more.

Time passes by around 4 hours since the babysitter has arrived, Y/N watches the children do their own things such as drawing and what looks to be blueprinting a sort of giant mechanical robot but they'd rather not question it.

They merely watch the children as they watch television, The children were too occupied with their planning rather than paying attention to the one they deemed as a suspicious person that has managed to infiltrate their home.

How Delightful! (Delightful children x Reader One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now