"Baby Steps" | Lenny x Reader

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(Reader uses they/them pronouns in the majority of these stories,They are 8 yrs. old along with Lenny in this one.
Your pov majority of these also)

What a lovely day,isn't it?
The birds are chirping,The flowers are blooming and the sun is shining brighter than th-*BOOM*

Another day,Another 24 hours of chaos!
I could never find a peaceful moment today,could I?

I sigh as I slouch back at the couch and watch the kids next door fight another antagonist,While many kids usually panic and scurry away while these things happen I usually just watch these fights as a form of entertainment but nowadays they seem to bore me
Yet to be honest I don't mind them,
They are the ones helping around for us kids so they're good in my opinion.

I usually get a load of excitement watching them fight around the neighborhood but it usually gets old and it's usually annoying whenever it gets too loud or when the earth shakes due to a massive fall of equipment or invention.

Today just seemed another normal day but it's mostly tiring cause it's also a school day which means I don't get to sleep another hour in which I hoped...
My dad woke me up 30 minutes ago and now I'm just waiting for him to hurry up after running to the bathroom, With my backpack ready,homeworks done and lunch equipped I'm definitely prepared to face another exciting day.

My dad finally came out of the bathroom and scratched his head as he nervously laughs "Hehe,Sorry kiddo it was an urgent emergency!"
He chuckles it off and I did too,I walked with him over to the car and after putting on our seatbelts we drove off to school.

As we finally got there my dad kisses my forehead and helps me out the backseat,
He gives me my lunch box and pats my head "Have a great day at school kiddo,And remember to behave and listen to your teachers!" He says enthustiastically as we wave each other off with a smile and he drives off to work.

I reach the school doors and walk into the hallways of floading kids,I eventually found the 5 children that always helps out for their fellow kids in need and I walk over to them.
"Hey guys,Great work today!" I cheer them as I high fived Abby "Thanks,Y/N!! Did you see how we beamed those baddies out the sky? It was so funny!" Kuki laughs as I giggle with her.

Yep,The kids next door are my neighbors and I usually hang out with them whenever we get a chance to or when they don't have a mission to face.

"Did you bring the Pb&J I asked you?" Hoagie asks me with a smug smirk as I sigh and nodded at him, I owed him a PB&J sandwich considering I ate his ice cream by accident when we all hung out together last week.

"Ugh,It's those Delightful dorks again. I can't believe they still managed to come to school after that whole fight we had!" Wally excalims quietly to the group as he glares at the Delightful Children From Down The Lane.

I never usually talked to those guys mostly because they seem to not be interested and also because the kids next door warned me about them being in the adult's side and them trying to destroy the KND as a whole.

It never really bothered me as I never even wanted to socialize with them but there's one kid that always catches my interest as they do seem to be a hint more mysterious than their siblings because of the football helmet they wore that hides their face.

Lenny,Was it?
Yeah,Lenny! I was informed of this once when he double crossed the KND in one of their missions,
I never really got to know him but no matter what I ask the KND about any info about him they shut me down and warn me about being buddies with him.

I don't really have a problem making friends as I have a bunch but no matter what I do I always freeze on the spot whenever I even get 4 feet close to the delightful children.

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