"Babysitting" | DCFDTL x Adopted child!Reader

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(The reader is around the age of 4 yrs. old and this story is platonic, The delightful children are at least 9-10 now)

The delightful children from down the lane,
Yes, The goody-goody adult obliging suck-ups that speak in monotone voices and are always in sync..

They haven't been wreaking havoc in a while which sort of concerned the Kids Next Door as they thought that the delightful children are up to something big and evil,
The leader of Sector V has been walking left to right thinking of a plan to see what they're up against.

"So what are we gonna do, Numbuh 1?" Numbuh 3 says in worry whilst her hands are on her face as she shakes her head,
"Yeah! Those delightful dunces might be onto something bad and we have to stop them!" Numbuh 2 exclaims.

Nigel not stopping his tracks while still thinking of a plan to see what the delightful deviants are doing, Numbuh 5 got too suspicious cause the other day she saw the said goody-two-shoes walking around with a baby bike that has a handle on the back they can use to push around a child as they walk around the park.

"Say, Those delightful ding dongs must be quite busy considering they're babysitters now,huh?" She says to give some info about them then that made Nigel stop his walking,

"Wait what?" Nigel says wjth a surprised tone and a hint of confusion
"Babysitters? I didn't think they'd even be capable of looking at a kid without thinking it's revolting let alone take care of one?" Hoagie says while Kuki giggles at this.

"Pshh, So wha' if they are taking care o' a lil' baby? They're still probably up to no good!" Numbuh 4 says while slouching more on the couch.

Nigel kept thinking of the information given to him yet no sense was made, Why would the delightful children want a baby for?

~Meanwhile at the delightful mansion from down the lane~•

"Goochie goochie goo!" A group of children say in unison as they play with a toy train in front of a child sitting on a baby booster seat, On the chair sat a sweet little child of the age of 4 and they are laughing their butts off from their older siblings' entertainment.

"Haha! Can I please play with the toys now please!? I ate my meal already and ate my veggies too!" You begged your siblings as they start to think about it and hum.

"Sure, Why not? You've been good today, So go on and play." They say as they helped you off the booster seat,
You jumped from their arms and went straight to the living room and took out your toys from the toy box.

They watch you do so as they clean up around the kitchen after your luncheon and start walking to where you sat on the rug and they sat down as well,
"What are you playing, Y/N?" They ask as you play with some of your dolls and action figures.

"I'm playing house! Bella's the mommy and Captain Luther is the daddy!" You say holding up a Barbie doll and a villainous action figure with a mustache.
They smile at you as you went back to playing your little games.

The delightful children haven't gotten outside evilly scheming recently nor go out and plot another plan to destroy the KND just because of a little child that father newly adopted and they have to babysit them while Father's away.

Father never told them what he needs you for but they knew one thing for sure, You were the cutest little thing in the whole wide world!!

They can see now why Father had taken such a liking to you, With such cuteness no adult nor kid could ever turn you down and now that Father has you as his newly adopted child, No one can possibly disagree nor decline any of his advancement to world domination!

But that costs a lot,
A new child especially a toddler takes so much work and effort to take care of, they are more evolved than newborns but they still lack the intelligence or IQ to know anything at all,
For now they have to make sure you are safe and taken good care of before you are exposed to the evil side of the family.

Father personally gave orders to his children that they must constantly keep an eye on you as well as to lay low on the evil plotting for a while but he still ensures they get to go out and wreak chaos every once in a while.

The delightful children are more than happy to obliged his orders after meeting you, They didn't really like you at first but steadily warmed up to you after a while and now they enjoy nothing more than just taking care of you and playing with you the whole day.

You are now currently playing with them, You said you would be the warrior while Bruce was the king, Constance and Ashley were the princesses and you must stop the two wicked dragons David and Lenny from taking over the castle.

"You'll never take the princesses as long as I'm here, evil fiends!" You say as you wave a fake sword in front of them as Lenny and David softly roar while Bruce was sitting on the couch with a fake crown on his head and his ego bigger than his height, Constance and Ashley were softly screaming while giggling.

You guys instantly heard the door open as you heard footsteps coming towards to where you were and heard a stifled chuckle, You all see Father leaning on the door frame of the living room and everyone greeted him along with you running up to him and hug his leg.

"Father, Welcome home!" they all say in sync as you only snuggle your head on his leg and smile up at him, "Hello Father! Welcome home, Did you have a good day?" You say as your siblings were looking at you filled with adoration as they all quietly say "Aww!".

Father picks you up as you instinctively hug him and he only holds you tighter, "Thanks, Kids. And I did fine today, Thanks for asking." He says as he sat down the couch and untenses his shoulders as he tries to relax.

"Father, Can we please go out for ice cream? I ate my veggies today just like you asked!" You say and use your cute puppy eyes to be more convincing. Your siblings only did the same as they did do what Father says properly thinking they need a treat for such good behavior.

Father sighed and only stood up as he stretches one more time then started walking to the car, "Alright, Alright! Fine, But this is the last time I'm taking you to the ice cream  parlor this week" he says and all of you ran and went straight to the car excitedly.

Babysitting is something the delightful children appear to enjoy as they cherish you and adore you, Now all they have to do is share that to the world so their world domination plan may succeed.

(Thank you all for reading and I hope you guys are doing amazing! I truly appreciate you all, Thank you again!💙)

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