Ashley Scenarios!!

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(Requested by: smth_bxnny. I loved the hcs they made about Ashley being the youngest so I made a couple of scenarios and a few hcs here and there)

(Scenario 1)
Ashley was merely a 4 year old as her siblings were either a few months older or a year older, despite being able to hold on her own and can do things herself her siblings tend to worry about her too much and try to do things for her instead to avoid her getting hurt.

One time, she wanted to grab a cookie from the cookie jar as Father did give them permission to have a treat after lunch. She managed to find the cookie jar on the kitchen counter yet it was too high to reach, She tried pushing a stool towards the direction she needed to be and started climbing until she felt hands on her torso and pulled her down from the stool.

"What were you doing?!"
"You could have gotten hurt!"
"Why would you do something so dangerous!?"
"What if you fell?!"

All of them concerningly asked in fear and had a sort of scolding tone as they had thought their baby sister might have gotten herself in danger , In which Ashley pointed at the cookie jar and simply said

They all looked at the cookie jar above the counter then looked at Ashley with their hands on their hips.
"Don't do things on your own without your big siblings to do it for you!" They obviously knew she was fine doing things on her own yet they couldn't risk anything happening to their baby sister.

As they got a hold of the cookie jar, They all got one each as they handed the first cookie to Ashley then everyone gets their cookie as well.
They get down from the counter to the floor safely as they watched their sister munching on the cookie, She looked too cute to be mad at so everyone huddled up around her for a group hug much to Ashley's confusion but didn't mind anyway.

(Scenario 2)
The Delightful Children were in their room doing whatever they get in mind as activities. Bruce was playing chess with David, Constance was brushing her hair, Lenny was reading a book and Ashley was nowhere to be found.
They heard faint footsteps running up the stairs till they saw Ashley open the door then closed it immediately then slowly sat in the floor with the door behind her to help balance.

Ashley was hiding her face in her hands as they notice her cheeks and tip of her ears were red, They immediately ran to her side thinking either she was in pain or was in trouble and needed comfort.

As she lifted her head up to reveal she was blushing red as a tomato they looked at each other then questioned about her reddened face,
She felt her face only for her to squeal and hide her face again.

She ran to the bed face down as she was kicking her feet, They were very confused and asked what was wrong.

She sat up from the bed as she started telling a story where she met her crush who she said was a really cute person her age walking down the park and that she managed to get to talk to them, in the end they exchanged numbers and they said they wanted to meet up and get to know each other again.

This made them instantly realize she's got a crush and immediately shook her shoulders,
"Who are they?!"
"Where are they from?!"
"Did they do anything to you, They didn't hurt you did they?!"
"How far away is their house!?"

Half of those questions were from her older brothers that grew infuriated knowing someone was courting their baby sister,
She explained that there isn't anything to worry about and assured them they were a nice person.

Constance belived her and supported her as well as give advice yet had doubts,
Of course her brothers, They were already thinking of a plan to get rid of her crush in which she felt annoyed to.


• When they were toddlers, They would always form a circle formation around her if there was someone getting too close to her.

• She was very much babied by her siblings in many ways possible, When they get to share their snacks with her, Do her hair, Etc.

• Her siblings always do a group hug as she gets to be in the middle all the time. Sometimes they squeeze her cheeks too when they get aggresively affected by her cuteness.

• As the oldest, David thought it was his responsiblity to keep an eye on his siblings and especially Ashley. Whenever something was coming towards them he always shields his siblings but usually makes sure that Ashley never gets a scratch on her.

• Constance is the closest to her younger sister and enjoys teases her saying how taller she managed to grow.

• Ashley was their muse for everything whether to try out new clothes or need her for an art project.

• They always make her try out cute outfits that go from cutesy dresses to boyish suits and tie in which they all adored her in.

• Whenever they gets the chance to or need to de-stress, Lenny and David will place their chin on top of Ashleys head. Sometimes leaving random head kisses here and there.

• Constance will always and forever be her makeover go-to as both of them like to do girl sleepovers (even though they live together and share the same room), they paint each others nails and Constance always gives her good advice.

• Bruce might be smaller but he sure can get very protective almost as protective as Wallabe Beetles, He tends to stand in front of her whenever someone he doesn't trust approaches her.

• Her and Lenny likes to share facts and theories to each other and sometimes go bird watching together when they have the time.

• David has been the one to baby her the most as he is kind of her oldest brother and he enjoys ruffling her hair every once in a while but also fixes her hair and bow at the same time.

• They tend to give her what she wants when she gets moody, They knew better than to anger their baby sister and they didn't want to have her more stressed than she was already.

• Bruce likes to share tea with her as they both share stories or gossip about things around them in their lives. He's also the one who gives advice other than Constance.

• There will be times where when they get to sleep they will cuddled up around her to make sure she stays warm and far from falling off the bed.

(That will be all for now, Thank you again for reading as I truly appreciate you all for your support!💙)

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