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Me: I....ahm.... 

Eraserhead: Hm?

Me: I think I would actually love to stay here... if I am allowed that is.

That was it. It took me a bit but I finally said it. I now had offically requested him to adopt me. What could possibly go wrong with this anyways? I mean this was not something I could say no to anyways. This is more luxurious than what I had till now and it was thanks to them that I didn't had that demonic thing around my foot anymore too.

Eraserhead: Are you sure?

Me: Yes. I mean you all are soo nice to me and all and I don't know what will actually happen when I get back.

It was an honest opinion and to be honest, my mother was on the extreme sides sometimes and who knows what would happen when I would return. I highly doubted it that there was nothing going on at all. She would certainly say something since my income was also taken by her too. 

Eraserhead: Alright....

This hero stood up turned around to the others and then started screaming to the others which were around a couple of meters away from us. This garden was big but not that big that he had to scream. It made me all embarrassed too.

Eraserhead: ZASHI!

Mic: WHAT?

Eraserhead: HE SAID YES!

Mic: WHAT?!

Eraserhead: HE SAID YESSSSS!

It seems as if Hitoshi just had an aha moment because he was the first out of the three to jump up to his feed and then burst out screaming even louder.

Hitoshi: PARTYYYY!!!!

After him Eri jumped up and seemed to imitate her brother but it was Mic in the end who used his quirk screaming into the air Party once again. I didn't really get why all this was happening but I felt soo embarrassed because of all of them. 

Though what followed next was super cute because Eri came running towards me and stopped to hop on to this huge ass bed thingy and crawl over to where I was.

Eri: Are you gonna party with us?

Me: Of course Snowflake.

Eraserhead: He will be partying with us every day from now on Eri.

Eri: Everyday?

Me: Yup, every single day Eri.

Eri: That means I can see you every day!

Me: Mh Snowflake.

This was the moment she went for the hug takle and next was Hitoshi who also hug tackled us on the bed followed byt the two heroes which kinda made us all lay down there and just enjoy being there before bursting out laughing out loud. If this was how life could be then I would be taking it for sure.

That evening it sure was party time. I mean I was on the couch the whole time but I watched Mic order a bunch of things and when they arrived we all had a banquet that day and Eraserhead was the one who rushed out of the house coming back an hour later with some signed papers. That man seemed to have it all ready at handy before as well. 

I couldn't really tell if this was the right decision or not but for now it was my decision and I enjoyed being with them all.

Eri: Why are you just laying there?

Me: I hurt my leg and can't stand for a while.

Eri: Pain, pain go away!

She was really the sweetest child ever. I mean the moment she heard pain, she blew on the cast I had and then said that before hugging me and asking me if everything was better. Yes it was since her little efford made me smile more. 

There was also Hitoshi not leaving my side sitting right there on the floor next to me so I wouldn't be alone and Mic and Eraserhead were drinking to their hearts content talking about how much of a big deal this is and how happy they are. In the end me and Hitoshi were the only ones sane enough to actually have a conversation after everything. Eri was quick to be out of power and fall asleep right there beside me where I made some space for her. The other two adults in the room were drunk as hell after an hour.

Hitoshi: You won't regret this.

Me: How can you say that?

Hitoshi: Just look at us. We all got saved by them and trust me, they may not look much like the perfect parents but they are. They go miles beyond anything to get us to be happy.

Me: I can tell that.

Hitoshi: Say what do you want to do now?

Me: What do you mean?

Hitoshi: I mean school, life and everything. 

Me: A brand new start.

Hitoshi: Hm... sounds good.

Me: I thought so as well.

Hitoshi: No working part time though. 

Me: Pfff- I won't.... only if I can't help it.

Hitoshi: Oh trust me. You will be busy with us and we stick like glue since we are family now. No way you will get rid of us that easily.

Me: ....

Hitoshi: Just trust me.

This was the last thing he said before walking over to clean up the bess the heroes made while both of them fell asleep on the table. I mean I would have helped him if I wouldn't be the one who is not allowed to walk at all. 

Honestly this day was weird but it felt like one of the best day in my life that I will surely remember.

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