Upsy Daisy... secret out!

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I have to say Hitoshi was really talkative but he also didn't look like as if he was normally tokative at all. This just felt weird and maybe it was just me but this kidness was not something I was used at all. That whole day Hitoshi decided to watch some movies with me and it turns out we both love Marvel a very oldschool TV show as well as X-men and we were doing an X-men marathon with Eraserhead by our side. I think we kinda fell asleep because when I woke up, we were all cuddling together.

It was the best day I had in a very long time not thinking about anything at all and just enjoy it as I was today. It was me, Eri and Toshi. Of course,  there was also Eraserhead who moved me out of my room to the garden since it was kinda nice outside and sunny. Of course I had a blanket and some cushions when he placed me in some kind of outdoor laying bed but hey this was definitely nice. I could defintiely get used to being treated this nicely too. 

Eraserhead: What's up problem child?

It seems as if my thought was really obvious since I was looking at Eri who was playing in the small sandpit they had together with Hitoshi. Eraserhead was leaning against the wall looking at us for quite some time but he came over to come join me on this huge round bed to sit on the side.

Me: What do you mean?

Eraserhead: I mean why do you think this is not possible.

Alright, he definitely knew what I was thinking and it was a bit creepy not to say the least but maybe because he was a hero, his intuition knew exactly what was going on.

Me: I still don't know what you mean.

Of course I said that smiling at the hero who was about to confront me for sure. I mean were heroes not here for that? I did expect this but it seems as if he dropped the topic and looked at his kids playing and laughing.

Eraserhead: Peacful huh.

Me: Yeah, they seem to have a lot of fun.

Eraserhead: Want to join them?

Me: NO... I mean no thanks. 

Eraserhead: Not the huge fan of sand huh?

Me: Nope not at all.

Eraserhead: Same her actually which is why Hitoshi is over there.

Me: But he seems to enjoy it.

Eraserhead: He doesn't care at all.

Me: Mh.

Eraserhead: How is the pain?

Me: What pain?

To be honest, I forgot that my leg was bandaged up and that I was not supposed to walk at all because it was just cozy and nice at this moment. I didn't felt any pain, it was a bit itchy but nothing more than that.

Eraserhead: Good and nevermind then.

Me: Huh?

Eraserhead: I made an appointment to see that doctor again tomorrow.

Me: Tomorrow?

Eraserhead: Yeah, that... rash... is no joke that you have thanks to the quirk supression cuff.

Me: I see.

Of course I knew that he didn't wanted to say injury or cut or whatever that injury was. He deliberately avoided it and I didn't really care since I was just glad it was off now.

Mic: Whatcha doing you two? Talking about me hmmm?

Eraserhead: As-

Me: Always....

They both looked at me and then instantly started bursting out laughing. This was just a refelx I had to reply to this. I don't know when I started to do this but people in the restaurant and the bar and all my other jobs always loved when I would say that back to them if they would ask me that. It was kinda  a joke I think... .at least... or I might also be completly wrong here but they were laughing so it was a good thing, right?

Mic: So so and what were you talking about hmmm?

Eraserhead: Don't encourage him to continue. 

Mic: So you were hahahahahaha.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Kid where did you pick up this line?

Me: At work.

Mic: What work?

Me: What do you mean what work? I am doing some part time job for a very long time. I think it was when I was working at a restaurant doing the morning shift... I messed up and got fired.

Eraserhead: How many jobs did you had till now?

Me: Ahm... let me think for a bit....

There was this restaurant.... I got kicked out for actually being too nice.....

Then there was the bar... 

Then that strip club... but actually left there because too touchy...

Then there was also the babysitting thing I did, the hotel one, the cleaning one... that one with news paper... O I did try delivery too... and that one... and that one...

Me: Around 21.


Eraserhead: SH!

Mic: .. sorry but did I hear right?

Me: Mh.

Eraserhead: And your parents knew about them?

Me: My mother never really cared what I do in my free time plus I was earning some money for a good reason.

Mic: ... mh.... poor you. Thank god there is no need to work at all anymore. You know relaxing like this is what you should do and need. Now is your time. Don't worry about anything anymore. Me and Sho will have you covered.

Eraserhead: Don't pressure him.

Mic: Says the one who has the adoption papers already ready and is waiting for an okay each and every day... aren't you even carrying them with you right now too.

I was a bit speechless but I could see that death glare making it more than obvious that Mic had just hit the nail on its head for sure.

Mic: Ohhh hahahahahaha yeah upsy daisy... Oh well ama go and play with them a bit. You wanna join?

Me: No thanks.

Mic: Alrighty.

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