When the filming of the Xianxia drama started, it was already approaching winter, and the weather started to turn cold.

Although many scenes were shot indoors on green cloth, in order to create a fairy-like feeling, a blower was often used to blow up the clothes.

Even though there was air conditioning in the room, it was still freezing.

Every time after hanging the wire, Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing shivered from cold. The assistant quickly put on cotton-padded clothes and handed them hot water.

In the crew, Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing still maintained a certain distance.

It's just that every time after taking a photo, I will subconsciously look for the other person's figure, and I will feel a sense of peace after seeing the other person.

After resting for a while, we continued to the next scene.

This scene was about Ning Lingzhou suppressing the demonic energy and refining the heart and soul for Xu Fangqing.

Dressed in fluttering white clothes, she has an air of immortality and looks cool and ascetic.

However, due to the injury, her lips were slightly pale, and there was a trace of residual blood stains on the corners of her mouth. The white clothes were also stained with some blood, which added a bit of gorgeous color to her cold image.

She looked at the heart in her hand and smiled with satisfaction.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and the senior sister played by Xu Le walked in: "Xi Qian, your apprentice is going to rebel." Ning Lingzhou hurriedly wiped the corners of his mouth and calmed down


Xu Le finished speaking angrily. Seeing that her face was pale as if she had been seriously injured, he quickly walked over and sat next to her and asked worriedly: "You... who hurt you?" "It's okay," Ning Lingzhou held on with strength

. Sitting up, pretending to be fine, he asked her, "What do you think happened to Zi Fei?"

Speaking of her apprentice, Xu Le became angry: "She made a mistake, and I punished her by sweeping the floor. She was so kind. Fighting with Zilan."

The scene changed and Ning Lingzhou was sitting high on the magnificent hall, with Xu Fangqing and another disciple kneeling below.

"Zifei, why did you fight with senior sister?" Ning Lingzhou asked.

"Your Majesty, Master punished Junior Sister Zi Fei to sweep the floor. She didn't sweep the floor seriously, so I said a few words to her. I didn't expect that she would beat me like this." Zi Lan rolled up her sleeves as she spoke, and her hands were all covered in black and blue

. .

If Xu Fangqing really wanted to hurt her, it wouldn't be just like these flesh wounds.

I just wanted to teach her a lesson.

"I didn't ask you."

Ning Lingzhou's face darkened. Looking at Xu Fangqing's stubborn look, she softened her tone and said, "Zifei, tell me." "She should be beaten," Xu Fangqing said angrily


"Why should I be beaten?"

Xu Fangqing said angrily: "The marriage between Master and Immortal Lord Yunshan has not been finalized yet. She said that she would abandon me after you get married. I was so angry that I beat her. Master wanted to beat her and punish her." Even if you come, I don't regret it."

Ning Lingzhou understood and nodded: "Both of them are at fault. Zilan is punished by going to Siguo Yafengyue Cave for half a month, and Zifei is punished by going to Shuiyan Cave for a month." Zilan

said Seeing that he was about to be punished, he quickly asked Xu Le for help: "Master, master, save me." Xu Le

looked at Ning Lingzhou: "Xi Qian, this matter arose because of Fei Fei. Zi Lan has already been beaten. Is it better to send her to Fengyue Cave as punishment?" It's not too much."

Ning Lingzhou looked at Xu Le: "If senior sister feels that the punishment is too much, let senior sister handle it." "Xi Qian

, that's not what I meant," Xu Le looked at her nervously, " You know I have never had this idea."

"I know," Ning Lingzhou said. She was very tired and didn't want to continue talking. She stood up and said, "I'm tired. Let's go back and rest first." Ning

Lingzhou Zhou looked at Xu Fangqing: "Zifei, come here."

Xu Fangqing saw that Ning Lingzhou's expression was not good, so she quickly followed her.

As soon as she arrived in the room, Ning Lingzhou couldn't hold herself up. Xu Fangqing saw that her figure was unstable and quickly stepped forward to support her: "Master, what's wrong with you?" "It's okay, help me to the bed."


Fangqing Qing helped her lie down on the bed. Just as he was about to give her spiritual power, Ning Lingzhou grabbed her hand, and then a bracelet appeared on her wrist.

"Master, this is...?"

"Shuiyan Cave is very dangerous. This is for your protection. Remember, you can't take it off at any time." Xu Fangqing glanced at

this delicate and moist bracelet and nodded: "I Got it."

"Master punished you to go to Shuiyan Cave. Do you have any resentment in your heart?" "

No, I obey Master in everything."

Ning Lingzhou smiled with satisfaction. She patted Xu Fangqing's arm: " Okay, you go out, I want to rest."

Xu Fangqing tucked her in, got up and went out.

The director shouted, this section is over.

Ning Lingzhou was still lying on the bed, but Xu Le had already opened the door and came in. He ran to her bedside, shook Ning Lingzhou's shoulders and shouted: "Ah, Xi Qian, my junior sister, what's wrong with you? Wake up." Ah."

Ning Lingzhou's hair was about to be messed up when she shook her. She smiled and patted Xu Le's arm gently: "Okay, okay, my hair is about to be messy." Xu Le pulled Ning Lingzhou up

. Holding her arm: "You look pretty good when you are injured."

Xu Fangqing stood outside the door and looked at the two of them. Ning Lingzhou quickly took her hand out of Xu Le's hand. She stood up and shook her clothes. Skirt: "I also think this dress looks very good."

Then she turned to Xu Fangqing and asked: "What do you think?"

The latter smiled lightly and said: "You look good no matter what you wear."

After saying that, she found that she behaved It was too obvious, so I turned around and walked outside.

Ning Lingzhou was pulled to take a behind-the-scenes photo shoot. When she finished filming, Xu Fangqing had already changed her clothes and was about to leave.

Ning Lingzhou took her arm, got close and whispered in her ear: "Wait for me to go together."

Xu Fangqing saw Xu Le coming over, and didn't know whether it was possessiveness or something, so she leaned over and asked "What?"

Ning Lingzhou turned around and kissed her on the side of her face. She smiled and said, "Wait for me." "Okay."


Fangqing responded with a smile, then glanced at Xu Le and turned around. Gotta go outside.

Ning Lingzhou went to change clothes, but Xu Le followed Xu Fangqing to a deserted place.

"There's no one here. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Xu Fangqing turned around and looked at her.

Xu Le didn't expect that Xu Fangqing, who always looked like a little white rabbit, had such a scheming and strong side.

"What's the relationship between you two?"

"What do you think?"

"We were together when we were filming "The Goddess's Private Kitchen"?"


Xu Le nodded, saying that he understood, and he had no chance at all. Yes, she accepted it calmly: "Lingzhou is a very good person. I hope you will cherish each other and be together for a long time." Xu Fangqing saw that she was so calm, and she had no knots in her heart. She said seriously: "Thank you, don't worry

, I will cherish her."

Ning Lingzhou came out but did not find Xu Fangqing. He waited at the door for a while before seeing her come out. He stepped forward and asked, "Where have you been?"

"I went to the toilet."

Xu Fangqing took her hand and said, "Let's go."

She didn't want to tell Ning Lingzhou about her conversation with Xu Le, for fear that she would have a grudge against Xu Le during the filming. .

The weather was so cold that even the air I exhaled was filled with white smoke.

The two got into their company cars respectively. Ning Lingzhou arrived at the community first and asked Xu Fangqing because she was stuck in the road, so she simply waited for her at the door.

It was completely dark outside. Under the street lights, Ning Lingzhou was wearing a black down jacket, a hat on his head, and a scarf covering most of his face.

She put her hands in her pockets and stood there taking small steps, thinking about what she would eat with Xu Fangqing later.

After a while, Xu Fangqing's car arrived. Seeing her standing outside the door, she quickly got out of the car, walked over and asked, "It's such a cold day, why don't you go home and wait?" She said and touched it. Ning

Lingzhou touched her face and touched her hands. Unexpectedly, Ning Lingzhou was warmer than her hands.

"Why are you so cold?"

After Ning Lingzhou asked, a picture that looked like a novel suddenly flashed through her head, saying that Xu Fangqing's hands and feet tend to get cold in the winter.

Xu Fangqing saw that she was stunned and looked at her in confusion: "What's wrong with you?"

"I seemed to have remembered something just now."

Ning Lingzhou felt that she was acting strangely recently. She kept thinking of things like reading a book. fragment.

Xu Fangqing said before that she once traveled into a book, but now that book no longer exists, will she still remember it?

"Remembering something?"

Xu Fangqing put his hand into her pocket, held it with hers, and they walked along the street.

Ning Lingzhou leaned into her ear mysteriously: "I can't tell you now."

But when she walked to the flower shop, Ning Lingzhou asked her to wait, and then she went into the flower shop to pick a bouquet of red roses and hugged her. He came out and handed it to Xu Fangqing: "The place we live in now is too small to grow flowers and plants. We are very busy and it is not convenient to keep pets. When I make enough money in the future, I will buy a big villa and give it

to Can you plant a yard of flowers and plants, and raise a cat and a dog?" "Okay


Xu Fangqing's eyes were full of smiles, and the busyness of the whole day disappeared at this moment.

Ever since Ning Lingzhou started to think about the things in the book, her memory began to become clearer and clearer until she remembered it completely.

It was during this season that she finished reading "The Domineering President's Forced Love", and then she got into a car accident and lost her life.

All kinds of life after passing through the book flashed in her mind like watching a movie. When she recalled it completely, she took a long breath.

During those days, although she had to please Xu Fangqing in order to gain life points and survive, it was the happiest time in her life. She didn't care what others thought, she did what she felt happy. .

The only regret is that I couldn't complete the wedding with Xu Fangqing.

Fortunately, the two are now together again.

There is still a chance for everything.

When going to bed at night, Ning Lingzhou mentioned her idea of ​​marrying Xu Fangqing. Xu Fangqing was stunned for a moment, raised her head and asked her: "Now?" "It depends on your wishes. If you are willing, we have

recently Just find a time to get the certificate."

"Get the certificate?"

Xu Fangqing was still a little worried: "Aren't we all busy filming recently? Besides, isn't it good for us to live together now? If we get the certificate, we may

bring Cause some unnecessary trouble."

"I know."

Ning Lingzhou kissed her forehead: "But I owe you a wedding."

Xu Fangqing suddenly thought: "There will be a scene next, and we can get married. Really?"

Xu Fangqing was talking about a scene in which two people catch monsters in the mortal world and pretend to be a newlywed couple getting married.

In the play, Ning Lingzhou takes Xu Fangqing to travel to the lower world. When they arrive at a small town, they hear that there has been no wedding event in the town for five years, and many young girls and boys waiting to be married have ended up with leftover boys and girls.

After asking, I found out that five years ago, several newlyweds in the town disappeared inexplicably that night, but the murderer had never been caught.

The government once stood guard outside the newlyweds' door, but they only saw a burst of black mist drifting past, and the lights in the room went out. When they rushed in, they saw nothing. The person had been robbed.

Since then, legends have circulated in the town about monsters abducting people on their wedding nights.

Over the years, many boys and girls have made a lifelong commitment to each other, but they dare not hold a wedding ceremony and become a family because they are afraid that monsters will come and abduct them on their wedding night.

After five years of delay, the mayor's daughter reached the age of getting married. For the sake of the family's face, the mayor decided to hold a marriage ceremony.

In order to ensure the safety of his daughter, the mayor found Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing to protect his daughter.

But now we don't know the strength of the monster. To ensure that nothing goes wrong, Ning Lingzhou suggested that the mayor find two other people to pretend to be the bride and groom and get married one day early.

In this case, it will be easier for them to catch monsters.

But where to find these two people became a problem. Everyone was afraid of being kidnapped by monsters.

Seeing that no one was willing, Ning Lingzhou had no choice but to stand up. Xu Fangqing guessed what she was thinking and stood up after her.

"Master, let me play the bride and you play the groom."

Ning Lingzhou originally planned for her to play the bride and find someone to match the groom's number, but since Xu Fangqing said so, she felt that this proposal was very OK, so I agreed.

On the day of the wedding, Xu Fangqing rode in an eight-carriage sedan with a huge crowd, fearing that the monsters would not know that they were holding a wedding.

Ning Lingzhou, on the other hand, was dressed in a wedding dress, with her long hair tied high, and her appearance as a man was also very handsome.

She rode ahead and looked around, but didn't find anything strange.

When they arrived at the door of their home, Xu Fangqing was welcomed in wearing a phoenix crown and a harem. The two of them bowed to heaven and earth, bowed to the high hall, and then the couple bowed to each other and were sent to the bridal chamber.

Everything went well, but everyone's hearts were worried because the monsters would not come until they entered the bridal chamber.

The mayor was also afraid that something might happen to Ning Lingzhou and the others, so he asked someone to watch outside. However, they did not see any movement until the night was dark.

In the room, Xu Fangqing was sitting on the bed. Ning Lingzhou walked over and lifted her hijab. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. If she hadn't been filming, she would have blurted out "It's so beautiful."

Instead, Xu Fangqing asked her according to the lines: "Husband, do I look good in this outfit?"

Ning Lingzhou still maintained his cold look and nodded: "It looks good."

"Husband, I look very good in my outfit today too. Ning

Lingzhou remained silent, but did not dare to look at her again. However, Xu Fangqing seemed to be deliberately trying to attract her attention, saying pitifully: "Husband, I'm so hungry." Ning Lingzhou looked around

. After a while, he took the cakes on the table and handed them to her.

Xu Fangqing smiled sweetly: "Thank you, husband."

When Ning Lingzhou turned around to look at the door, Xu Fangqing made another noise. She choked and coughed after eating a pastry.

Ning Lingzhou quickly took the water and handed it to her: "Drink slowly."

Xu Fangqing felt better after drinking water. She stood up and tried to put the cup down, but her shoes became wet as soon as she stood up.

Ning Lingzhou quickly put his arms around her waist, and the two fell on the bed, their eyes facing each other. The atmosphere was ambiguous and subtle. At this moment, a black mist drifted in outside the window.

Ning Lingzhou frowned slightly and whispered: "Here we come."

When the two were pretending to be intimate, the black mist transformed into a coquettish woman, walked up to them and blew a breath of evil spirit, and the two pretended to be fainted. Fall and be taken away by her.

When they arrived at a cave, the banshee locked them in different cells, with the only exit burning with blazing fire.

When they woke up, the banshee lay on a high seat with an enchanting figure and told them that if one of them was willing to go to the other side through the fire in front of them, then she would let them both go.

There were some living newcomers nearby, but they looked like they were scared out of their minds.

In some cells there was only one person left, and apparently another person had been burned to death while crossing the fire.

Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing both walked to the fire to cross the fire.

Seeing these two people trying to run toward each other so actively, the banshee suddenly became interested. She sat up and looked at the two of them.

I saw the two of them stepping into the fire at the same time, but they were not burned to the point of screaming in pain.

"How is that possible?"

The banshee looked at them in disbelief: "How is it possible that someone really loves each other?"

Just when the banshee refused to believe it, Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing shattered their wedding clothes at the same time. He drew his sword and flew towards the banshee.

The banshee saw clearly that they were two women, laughed loudly, dodged and dealt with them, and was finally defeated.

Although the banshee was defeated, she laughed like crazy: "I know, I know that there are no two people who truly love each other in this world." It turns out that what is separated between the newlyweds is the fire of true love, and only two people truly love each other

. People who step into the fire for each other will not be burned.

It's a pity that the newcomers didn't understand. They were either afraid of fire or unwilling to risk their lives for each other, so no one escaped from here.

The reason why the banshee did this is because she once stepped into the fire of true love for a mortal on her wedding night and was burned by the fire, revealing her true form, but the person who kept saying she loved her shouted that she was a monster. , asking the Taoist priest to kill her.

She killed everyone, including the man she loved, and never believed in love again.

It was also from that time on that she couldn't see the newlyweds she was in love with, so she caught them for testing.

Ning Lingzhou took her away, but Xu Fangqing put the fire of true love in a bottle and took her away.

Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing successfully subdued the demon, and everyone could hold the wedding happily again. Looking at the festive atmosphere at the wedding banquet, the two looked at each other and went to the next place.

After the filming of this scene, Ning Lingzhou found someone to customize two sets of Chinese wedding clothes according to her and Xu Fangqing's figures.

This time they did not go to church, and there was no attention and blessing from everyone.

Just simply at home, the two of them dressed in Chinese wedding clothes, bowed to heaven and earth, worshiped each other, drank a glass of wine, and entered the bridal chamber. They were considered married.

Even though there were only the two of them, everything felt very ritualistic.

From putting on wedding clothes in the morning, styling hair, and putting on jewelry, the two of them had practiced every step on each other before, and they had a perfect and unique wedding today.

There was no audience, but it was enough to make the two of them unforgettable.

That night, Ning Lingzhou slept extremely soundly and was extremely happy. It felt like her wishes in the past and present life had been fulfilled.

Later, the TV series they collaborated on became a hit, and after their fame skyrocketed, they collaborated on several more TV series and movies.

A paparazzi photographed them entering and exiting a community together. The two of them did not explain. There are more and more CPs on the Internet, and there are more and more video clips about the two of them.

Later, someone dug up the "Goddess Private Kitchen" collaboration between the two, and there was a blocked question, asking whether Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing had anyone they liked.

At that time, the two people's answer was: "Yes."

CP fans began to speculate.

[No way, the two of them have liked each other since then, right? 】

【At that time, I felt that the way they looked at each other was very different. Oh my god, I have such dazzling eyes. ]

[That's when I started doing cp. Qingzhou was so good that everyone went to do it for me. 】

When the two won the title of Best Actress and stood on the podium to receive the award at the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy.

[These two are so perfect for each other, my mom. 】

【Qingzhou yyds! ]

[The Civil Affairs Bureau has moved it here for you. Can you please get married on the spot? 】

Ning Lingzhou delivered an acceptance speech on the stage: "First of all, I want to thank the lady beside me." As soon as these words came out, not only the people at the scene were excited, but the barrage was also crazy

. Ahhh.

【Fuck! Is this the time to express your love? ]

[Are you going to confess your feelings? ]

[My heart is beating so fast, I'm so excited.]

[Confess your love, Ning Lingzhou, please confess it quickly, I can't stand it anymore. ]

[This is the first time I have seen such harmonious fans, and I actually hope that my actor will confess his love soon, hahaha. ]


Ning Lingzhou looked at Xu Fangqing with a smile and continued: "I was at a low point for a period of time back then. It was precisely because she stayed with me all the way that I have the Ning you see. Lingzhou."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Ning Lingzhou continued: "Secondly, I would like to thank my fans who have always supported me, and my parents who have persisted in wanting me to pursue a career. And for all the hard work along the way. Thank you to everyone who has given me a lot of help."

After Ning Lingzhou bowed, it was Xu Fangqing's turn to speak.

She had already thought about what she wanted to say, but she was unexpectedly interrupted by Ning Lingzhou. She stood there and looked at Ning Lingzhou for a while before speaking: "First of all, I want to thank the lady beside me."

Everyone below laughed, including Xu Fangqing and Ning Lingzhou.

"I have no relatives in this world. She helped me during the most difficult time. It was she who supported me, encouraged me, and helped me all the way, so that I can stand on the podium today."

"There is something I have always wanted to do, but I shouldn't have done it on an occasion like today." Xu Fangqing looked at Ning Lingzhou, her heart beating faster. She patted her heart and continued: "But I think there will never be anything better than today." A more glorious moment.

So, I want to ask Ning Lingzhou something today, now, at this moment." The moment the two looked at each other

, Ning Lingzhou seemed to understand what she was going to say, and her heartbeat also started to beat. Faster than ever.

"Ning Lingzhou," Xu Fangqing looked at her, "will you marry me?"

Almost at the same time, Ning Lingzhou knelt down on one knee in front of her and presented her trophy: "Xu Fangqing, Will you marry me?"

Everyone present stood up excitedly and even shouted regardless of their own image.

The two spoke at the same time. Some people didn't hear what they said clearly and asked around in confusion.

When I heard what the people next to me said, I was surprised and happy, and I also joined the screaming team.

The barrage went crazy.

Soon the entry of #宁翎 Zhou Xu Fangqing official announcement # rushed to the first place,

#宁翎 ZhouXu Fangqing asked each other to marry #

#宁翎zhou Xu Fangqing won the Best Actress #

#宁翎 ZhouXu Fangqing sweet Interaction #


#你要 marry我#

#宁翎州 xufangqing rushes in both directions#

#宁翎zhou xufangqing thanks each other#

The company leaders heard that they were on the podium in front of so many media, The news was announced in public, and he almost died, so he quickly ordered the public relations department to respond urgently.

But I found that no one had any bad reactions. Instead, they were talking about CP and candy everywhere.

The network was paralyzed and the two of them got off the podium and left.

Ning Lingzhou and Xu Fangqing went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their certificates, and then posted them online with a photo of the two holding hands with diamond rings, a photo of the two wearing Chinese wedding clothes, and an airplane photo. .

The caption read: "I went on my honeymoon with my wife, don't miss me."

On the private plane, Ning Lingzhou held Xu Fangqing in her arms and looked at the sunset, and asked her: "Honey, besides honeymoon, do you have any other wishes? Xu

Fangqing thought for a moment: "I got the certificate, got married, became a movie queen, and went on a honeymoon. It seems like there is nothing left. If it were in the ABO

world, I might still be able to give you a child, but there is no way now. ."

"I don't want you to give birth to my child. It's too painful." Ning Lingzhou kissed her face. "I can't bear to let you suffer like that." Xu Fangqing also smiled and kissed her face

. .

"Since you have nothing else to do, there is something I really want to do."


Ning Lingzhou leaned into her ear and said, "We haven't done it on the plane yet."

Xu Fangqing Her face flushed red, and she patted her shoulder with a smile: "How dare you think that we will reach our destination in half an hour." In order to do this, Ning Lingzhou specially found this person

. They own a large private jet, and once they close the door, they have their own world, and no one knows what they want to do.

"Then we have to hurry up."

Ning Lingzhou smiled and closed the door, pulled Xu Fangqing into his arms and kissed her.

The two devoted themselves to each other passionately and selflessly.

The plane also gradually moved away, gradually disappearing into the sunset, flying to their free world.

Dressed like a scumbag and doting on his wife too much GL MTLWhere stories live. Discover now