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it's developing.. sorry for the short chapters.. 🙁


it was easy to imagine coming back to blue lock but actually doing it was the hard task. the thought of having to work your ass off and train like your life depended on it again after two weeks of doing absolutely nothing made you wish the bus driver 'accidentally' took a hard left and drove you guys off the long fall beside you.

you remembered the way your heart seemed to skip a beat at the email that invited you back. it was almost excited to be coming back to blue lock, getting to compete again and show off the skills that had surpassed many of the others in the program. the thing was that you had already grown used to being lazy four days into your break. it was hard to get yourself to come back from that.

not to mention you'd have to leave behind your wardrobe, having to dress in blue once again for however long you'd be in there this time. it was nearly enough to make you trash the email altogether.

and it was a miracle that you didn't trash it when you saw rin once again.

he was leaning against the wall, his head tilted back so he could rest it against the surface with his eyes shut. you watched him closely, taking notice of the way his adams apple bobbed slightly when he swallowed and the way his eyebrow would twitch when someone was being too loud. he was almost mesmerizing.

there weren't that many people that were there yet. you had noticed a few familiar faces that you had seen around a few times, but none of the people you had talked with regularly - with the exception of rin.

it took you more than a few attempts to finally force yourself to go over to rin. all you could think about was your last interaction with him, finding it to be completely embarrassing, especially when his eyes met yours as you made your way towards him. it was almost enough to make you turn back around and pretend he didn't exist.

"what do you want?"

you paused a few steps away from rin, staring almost incredulously at him. his tone was even enough to make you glance over your shoulder in case there was someone else he was talking to cause you knew it couldn't have been you.

"huh?" you squinted up at him, a light tint to your cheeks with how he gazed down at you, his glare intimidating.

"i said," rin huffed with a slight roll of his eyes. "what do you want? i figured you heard me the first time"

a few seconds of eye contact passed, neither of you even glancing away from each other once. "what's your problem?" you nearly scoffed, still keeping the eye contact. "you tired or something?"


"yeah.." your eyes almost seemed to roll themselves at this point. "tired. what's up with the attitude?"

"you kicked me," rin glared, finally making a movement as he completely turned towards you and crossed his arms. "i said i like you and you kicked me"

your cheeks immediately heated up at his words as you glared harshly at him. "that never happened.." you tried gaslighting, but it completely failed. rin wasn't that stupid. "you're making stuff up.. some way of coping with isagi scoring the final goal instead of you.."

as the last word came out of your mouth, your hand flew to your mouth as your eyes widened, hesitant to meet his gaze again.

rin held an almost shocked look on his face before quickly changing to one that showed just how much your comment pissed him off. you hadn't even meant to say something like that but it just slipped out. "the fuck is your problem"

"i didn't mean to say that.." you tried your best to convince rin, even if you knew it wouldn't work. "honestly.. i was just surprised at what you said. i didn't even know what i was saying"

"you like him, don't you?" rins eyebrow was raised, staring at you for a few more seconds before leaning back against the wall again. "that goal of pure luck impress you that much?" he scoffed, slightly glancing at you with an annoyed look. "of course it impressed you.. you're so used to your own mediocre plays.. i'm not really surprised"

your nose scrunched up in confusion and slight anger, his words taking a few seconds to process. "what the hell? fuck you, asshole"

"so immature" rin scoffed, eyeing you as you stomped away towards where aryu walked in.

and that was when rin dropped his harsh glare towards you and instead let it point towards the ground. his mind swirled with the memory of his brother praising that isagi fucker instead of him as well as the thought of you and isagi together.

it pissed him off to no end; the idea of isagi and how he was taking the things he desired the most.


apple cider | blue lockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें