Prophet | Just Another Interlude

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"Hakeem, you and I will have our own dinner plans when you done with your father."

"No, I have plans tonight. So, what we going to do is hit up this Ruth's Chris all together and act like we all one big happy family. Damn, can ya'll go the rest of the day without making it about yourselves?"

"I'm sorry, you're right. I'll make the reservations, let's head back home if you're finished with your friends Hakeem."

"I'll meet y'all at the car in a few."

There were a few more rounds I had to make around here with my friends and other ladies wanting to take pictures with me. Next time these people see me, I'll be on their tv screens. It was a bittersweet moment saying goodbye to everyone. We spent so much time ready to get out this motherfucka, that I hope in ten years some of us ain't having that if I could do it all over again reflection. I'll be damned if I'm the nigga talking about how I was the man in high school and ain't got shit to show with my adult life.

Before we made it out to the restaurant, I tried giving Caira a call but she didn't answer. Motherhood has definitely changed her, but I feel as though she's not happy in her marriage. That nigga Wes ain't been treating her right. I can't speak for all niggas in the military, but I read it all over him that he was going to do her dirty. Caira don't like to tell me too much of what they got going on. So I can only hope that she's okay and finding herself. I'm a little upset that she not here celebrating with us, that's really my nigga. I never saw her as anything else, that's a line I never thought about crossing, I want the best for her.

Our dinner celebration went off without any issues. A couple of my dad friends who I grew up around came out. Which I didn't mind, they also came with cash envelopes so I didn't care. Their presence kept the table from bickering. I think my mom was eyeing one of them down, she sounded very giddy in conversation with the dude she was sitting next to.

Finally after that was all said and done, I was able to link up with Nastacia. She made up an excuse to get out the house, I had to pick her up from down the street though. When we made it into the house, we got caught by my dad as we were heading down to the basement.

"Dad, this is my friend Nastasia." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Davis, I heard a lot about you!" She smiled big as she shook her head.

"You as well young lady. Don't let me interrupt, I know this is y'all last night together. Don't forget Hakeem, bright and early tomorrow."

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be down in a minute." I said leaning towards her.

When Nastasia went down the stairs, I began to speak quietly with my pops. "You didn't tell me you was bringing company home."

"She's just a friend, I really like her. Can you make sure Moriah don't come down here busting this up?"

"I got you this time son, handle your business. Aye... don't be loud, don't make a mess, get down on the floor, don't fuck on my couch! And no means no!"

I chuckled, "thanks pop!"

Being in the clear I made my way downstairs, Nastasia was in in tune scrolling on her phone as she had her legs crossed. Plopping down beside her I snatched her phone out her hand and locked it.

"That other nigga can wait, I want your attention."

She giggled as she leaned closer to me from my impact, "that other nigga was my dad. He was just checking on me."

"He would lose his mind if he knew where you were at right now. He doesn't have any other family he could bother?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm his baby girl. He will always see me like that, I'm praying that this year will past by at community college. I want him to see that I'm able to handle myself without his help or him trying to always hold my hand."

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